Higher Quick Test – Check your answers following our class discussion and make any changes you feel necessary.
- Name 3 sub factors from each of the 4 main factors.
- Choose 1 from each of the above factors and give examples from a game situation of the impact to performance.
- Give 2 methods of data collection for each of the 4 factors.
- Choose 2 different methods and explain why you would use this method. Try to come up with 3 points for each.
- Name a standardised fitness test.
- How would you use the data/results from your test?
- Give 3 points of description of a GOS that you have used.
- Give 1 feature of a model performance from each of the 4 factors – choose an activity, what would you see?
- Choose an activity and choose 2 factors – how do you compare to the model performer.
- Name 2 approaches to develop performance from each of the 4 factors.
- Choose 2 approaches and give 3 points of analysis for each approach.
- Give an example of a short/medium and long term goal.
- What might a performer consider when setting goals to develop performance?
- Give 1 method of monitoring and recording performance development.
- Give an example of a 6 week PDP.