Mrs Holden’s art P567 wb 11 January

ART  Term 3  wb 11 January 2021 Mrs Holden

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE !    How To Make Hot Cocoa

Your art for this week is to draw a cartoon mug of hot chocolate. Watch the link below to help you.

How To Draw Cartoon Hot Chocolate – YouTube

You might like to try some of the other winter cartoon drawing tutorials such as the Winter landscape, the Gingerbread House or the Snowglobe….

I look forward to seeing your drawings when we get back to school and it would be lovely to see them on Teams if possible.

HWB – Gratitude

This week’s HWB focus is on gratitude.

Gratitude is one of our many positive emotions. It’s about focusing on what’s good in our lives and being thankful for the things we have. Gratitude is pausing to notice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted, like having a place to live, food, clean water, friends, family, even computer access. It has been scientifically proven that people who have a regular gratitude practice are happier – do some research online and prepare to be amazed at the health benefits and happiness levels of people who actively practice gratitude!

We can express gratitude in several ways…

We can say ‘thank you’ – a simple acknowledgement for what someone has done for you. It makes the person feel appreciated and that in turn, makes you feel good too! 

We can talk about gratitude – For example, at dinner time we can go around the family and say, ‘today I am grateful for…’ this is a fun activity for everyone to join in and will reveal some surprises too! Find out what your family are grateful for!

We can express gratitude by giving a hug, drawing a picture, sending a card, singing a song for someone – anything creative you can think of which expresses your thanks for them or something they’ve done.

Here’s a little song to help you cultivate the feeling of gratitude – what are you grateful for today?

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break with your families. As we’ll once again be home learning for a few weeks, I’ll be posting some PE activities and also some mindfulness and health and wellbeing activities you can do at home to keep you active, happy and healthy in your body and mind!

Use this first activity as a ‘brain break’ for when you need to move about after sitting at the computer for a while; it’ll re-energise you! Click the link and have fun with these moves!


I look forward to hearing how you keep yourselves healthy and happy over the next few weeks.

Mrs Thompson, PE

Achievement Award

The War. The Woman. The Nurse.


Well done to Charlie and Lou for their combined effort in story telling! Charlie crafted a story following the life of a woman from Shetland who was inspired to train as a nurse after witnessing the heroic deeds of other nurses during WWII. Lou helped Charlie to develop the charaters and round off the story before it was written up.

Spainish Sounds

As part of our topic this term we are comparing and contrasting Spain with Shetland. We have been learning about the Castanet and its use in flamenco dancing. Take a look at our homemade attempts! We have also been looking at the Spainish Armada and their thwarted invasion attempt. After being forced north and around the top of Scotland, Spanish sailors were said to have visited Fair Isle where knitting ideas were exchanged.

Extending the Narrative




During the past two weeks we have been looking at story telling and focusing on Jack Foretells the Future where a young man appears to tell the future of a hapless farmer. We are making the story our own by creating a puppet show for the whole class based on what we’ve been learning. Others have been using the story as inspiration for their own creations.

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