Category Archives: Technologies

Collection of Materials for Remote Learning

Spring is on it’s way! I hope you have all had a good weekend.

There was a mix up last week with the physical worksheets and spelling books for remote learning. Only completed work was to be returned to school rather than all work including incomplete worksheets and spelling books.

You all have physical worksheets and/or spelling books in your trays at school along with an extra mental maths workbook to be collected for the remaining two weeks of remote learning.

If you have any questions or need to get in touch, please use Microsoft Teams or email me.

Mr Lindsay

Friday Round Up Week 3

Well done everyone for another good week, I hope you all had a good day off mid week. We started the week with double grammar – prefixes and suffixes on Monday followed by your week 3 grammar worksheet on Tuesday. The final episode of Warhorse will be next week along with instructions on your writing task so look out for that. Todays comprehension quiz was just a 10 question one so I hope that was an easy piece to finish off the week. I’ve tried to add a bit of interest to the Maths tasks these past two weeks with some riddles to get you thinking outside the box.

Problems with the video upload this week but I’ll get something out to you for next week.

Have a good weekend everyone!