February 19, 2019
by User deactivated
We are planning to have an Early Years adventure to Michaels Wood on Thursday the 21st of February. Drop off will be at 9.15am and pick up time as normal at Michaels Wood.
We thought we would explore around Michael’s Wood, have snack there and then make our way to the leisure centre for toileting. We thought we would then go to the park and on the way back from there have a toilet break. We would then head back to Michaels Wood for another look around just before pick up. 🙂
Please wrap up warm! We will provide outdoor suits if necessary and we do have spare welly boots just in case! We also will provide high-vis vests as we will be out and about in Aith. 🙂
If the trip is cancelled due to weather circumstances Miss Handley will message you and let you know!
Early Years Staff