Happyhansel Early Years

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Story Stones


We have been using story stones again in the nursery and are starting to create our own too. Story stones are just pebbles which pictures have been drawn/painted or glued to, and which you can then use to help you make up or tell a story. They are brilliant for all types of imaginative play.

“There is only one little monkey jumping on the bed!” We use the stones to sing and count too.

We already have some brilliant Jack and the Beanstalk ones made by Elsah’s mum when she was in the nursery, but we have added some new characters to the basket this week and have had a good talk at Together Time about what we all want to put on our own stones next week.

Can you recognise any of these?

If you want more information on story stones or want to make your own, thereĀ are lots of ideas online. Here is just one: https://artfulparent.com/story-stones-ideas-storytelling-rocks/ It’s a good use for the pocketful’s of pebbles most of us end up coming home from the beach with! We’d love to see any that you do make at home so please do take them in. We have some very creative parents!

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