Bird Science afternoon

Unfortunately the weather was against us this year, so we had to cancel our RSPB Schools Birdwatch. Instead Kevin Kelly came to explain to us the way that the information is used by the RSPB and the sort of birds that we are likely to see in Shetland.
After that we had an afternoon of finding out about owls. We learnt about how they live and what they eat by looking at a range of owl pellets. We had Short and Long eared owl pellets and Snowy and Barn owl too. It meant that we could compare each species.
We found lots of rats, mice, voles, birds etc in the pellets and lots of bones.
1 Star (1 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

The Lost Songs

We had a super morning with Jenny Sturgeon and Roseanne Watt, who are coming into school for four weeks to do a dialect / Shetland history project with us. Jenny started by singing a song for us and Roseanne recited a poem.
We did two activities, firstly we learnt a dialect song about spinning and then we started to make our skekler hats. We will finish them next week. 1 Star (2 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

First Week Back

It has been so lovely to see everyone back. What a great start to the year.
We are starting to get ready for the RSPB birdwatch, so this afternoon while the pupil council were out, the rest of us made bird feeders.
We used up the old pine cones from Christmas and learnt to tie a reef knot, so that we’ll be able to hang them from the trees. Next we made a delicious 🤢 mixture of lard, cheese, grains, nuts and sultanas and moulded it onto the cones. We will harden them up in the fridge and hang them out next week.
1 Star (2 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

Windy weather seeds

We had a lovely afternoon looking at how seeds use the wind to disperse. We looked at Ash, Sycamore and Plane keys and Spruce and pine seeds and then everyone had a go at making their own. Everyone agreed that Archie’s was the coolest, it was tiny and rotated so fast!
1 Star (1 votes, average: 1.00 out of 1)

So here they are, the wonderful, fun loving new P6/7s Just another – Shetland site

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