Tag Archives: HWB

Early Years Week 8 – 3.10.22

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One of the bairns asked about making pictures using flowers from the garden.  This made the perfect pairing with our handmade paper.  The bairns used a flower press to preserve the flowers before adding them to their handmade paper.  This led to discussion about the different sizes, shapes and colours of the flowers and leaves.

The bairns have taken a real interest in measuring.  They used a tape measure to measure their hands and feet, taking time to draw around them with chalk.  Then the bairns turned their attention to vertical measuring and how high they could jump.  A number of the bairns added their own signs to the jumping area.  We’ve also had some amazing tower creations.

We wondered what we could make from all the leftover vegetables in the polycrub and honesty cupboard.  There were tomatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, spring onions, oregano and chives.  The bairns discussed what different things we eat that are made from tomatoes – soup, bolognese and pasta.  The bairns decided that the ingredients would make a great pasta sauce.  Joanne and Val kindly gave us some extra herbs too.

As part of Maths Week Scotland, we had a numeracy hunt around nursery.  We found maths in many areas of the setting, in all different guises.  We wonder where you’ll find more numeracy during the October holidays!

We are delighted to see so many friendships blossoming in nursery.  The new starts for this term have been welcomed by their peers and it’s lovely to see everyone helping each other.

We held a farewell party for Miss Farmer at the soft play area in the Village Club.  The bairns made good use of the new space and had a party snack, including a fruit spider!  We will all miss you so much Miss Farmer, good luck in your new adventures.

We hope you all have a lovely October break and we look forward to seeing you back at nursery from Wednesday 26 October.  Happy holidays!

Early Years Week 5 – 12.09.22

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It was time to order another delivery from Tesco for snack.  The bairns chose which foods they would like to have for snack and then added them to our basket on the Tesco website.  When the delivery arrived, the bairns loaded the items onto the trolley and took them into nursery where they sorted them based on where they would be stored – fridge, cupboard or fruit bowl and then put them away.

One of the bairns asked to do yoga and we found an underwater themed video from Cosmic Kids.  The bairns swam with mermaids, took a look around a shipwreck and swam away fast when the shark came near!  The gross motor skill development continued with the musical statues and various hula hoop moves.

The bairns made raspberry and apple jam this week by preparing and boiling fruit.  When the apple was cut open, there was a sprouting seed inside.  The bairns took the seed to the polycrub and planted it in a pot.  They added a label and will keep a close eye to watch for changes.

The bairns have been using technology to take photos of different areas around the setting.  They have also had fun taking photos of themselves and their friends, including the new additions to the fish tank.

All the families in the school received a book called Queen Elizabeth – A Platinum Jubilee Celebration.  The book contains information about Queen Elizabeth’s life and interests.  It has sparked conversation in the setting about the Queen and her passing.

Early Years Week 4 – 05.09.22

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During music this week, the bairns used instruments to accompany their singing for Hickory Dickory Dock.  We learned about the sounds made by a glockenspiel, xylophone and wood block.  The bairns took turns to make the sounds listening for their part of the rhyme.  Then we learned about the sounds and speed of different musical notes, from sit down, don’t move; walk, walk and one step, one step.  The bairns listened to the tune played by Mrs Garrick on the piano and then moved to the corresponding area for the right note.

Mrs Meadows kindly brought in a couple of really big cardboard boxes this week.  The bairns have been mark making on the boxes  developing their early literacy skills.  There was great co-operative problem solving to get into the box.  The bairns tried several options by building steps with the wooden blocks, using the large red cushion and piling up small donut cushions to get inside.  Then there was the task of getting out again which they worked on together until they found a solution.  There were lots of opportunities for fine motor skill development when the bairns decided to cut the boxes up.  “This is a bit tricky.”

We had a lot of bug encounters this week!  Our first was when one of the bairns spotted a poorly bumblebee.  To make the bee feel better the bairns give it some sugary water.  When we came back outside after lunch, the bee had been revived and flown away.  We also found a slug and a spider’s web.  There was also discussion about what the bee is doing when it’s hovering next to the flowers.  We learned about how bees look for pollen and nectar which gets stuck to the hairs on their legs and carried to new parts of the garden and beyond.  During some deadheading work, the barins found a seed head and decided it should have a new life with the cheese plant inside nursery.

It’s safety first the work bench and the bairns are always keen to remind their friends about wearing their safety glasses.  This week the bairns have been honing their woodwork skills by hammering, clamping, sawing, connecting and drilling.  Not only does this promote their fine motor skills but it also encourages problem solving with a natural material.

There is nothing more fun than a muddy puddle!  The bairns often spend time jumping in the water on the sand tray lid and this week’s weather provided ample opportunities.  However, on the dry days the barins came up with their own way to make a puddle by working together to collect water and mud for their fun activity.

Early Years Week 3 – 29.08.2022

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We had a lovely visit to the Salvation Army polycrub and garden.  The bairns helped to dig up the tatties, adding them to a bucket to take back to nursery.  We had a look around the polycrub and saw tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, herbs and marrows, the bairns did a lot of touching and smelling the different plants.  The Salvation Army kindly donated a large bucket of tatties and a big bag of mixed vegetables including cauliflower, tomatoes, cabbage and broccoli for our honesty cupboard.  The bairns were also able to take home tatties, a cherry tomato and a strawberry plant.

One of our hens had disappeared but upon inspection we discovered that she was broody and sitting on 10 eggs.  After a failed attempt at rescuing the eggs, we called on Trevor the janitor, who successfully retrieved them.  The bairns were keen to test their freshness using a bowl of water, watching if they sunk or floated and which direction the eggs faced.  Only one egg floated so we knew it was rotten.  The rest of the eggs were used during the week for various recipes including pear & banana loaf, savoury biscuits, homemade pizza and pancakes.

After finding a recipe for a chocolate cake in one of our nursery books, the bairns decided to made chocolate playdoh.  There was lots of interest and the playdoh was formed into cakes, volcanos and sausages.  The smell of the new playdoh also proved to be a hot topic!

Early Years Week 2 – 22.08.2022

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We were very pleased to have Mrs Garrick back for music lessons.  The bairns joined in for Hickory Dickory Dock, Worm Worm and Head Shoulders Knees & Toes.  We also stopped to listen for any sounds around the school, including a ticking clock, cars on the road and The Eurythmics.

Outdoor play has been popular this week and we’ve made the most of the varying weather.  The bairns used garden tools to rake up the cut grass, placing the cuttings into the compost bin.  The chickens were well fed with scraps from lunch and snack, as well as some grass.  Our ice cream shop was open again for business and we also had a very busy ice cream truck.

The bairns have been engaged in multiple airport play scenarios, using wooden blocks, planes, other vehicles and astroturf to create their airport.  Extra resources have been added to extend the play and this has encouraged movement around different areas of the setting.

Early Years Week 1 – 17.08.2022

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We were delighted to welcome everyone back to nursery and have new friends join our setting.  There was lots of exploring, chatting and role play.  It has been lovely hearing everyone’s news from their summer holidays too.