Early Years 2022-23 Term 4 – Week 4

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Playtime transition is now known as Buddy Day!  The bairns are increasing in confidence in the playground, exploring the equipment and inviting the older bairns into their play.  Miss Hunter visited again, checking in with each of the bairns, exploring their current interests.

We started out our music session with a few rounds of Everybody Do This, where one person stands up at the front and everybody copies their actions in time with the music.  Then we practiced our hand co-ordination using the benches and beaters.  We started our top secret preparation for our graduation ceremony – all will be revealed soon!  We started very slowly for Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, increasing in tempo with each round.  “Faster, faster!”  We ended with some breathing exercises, using our arms to match our breath.

We were lucky to have a visit from 20 chicks.  The bairns learned how to hold the chicks with one hand underneath and one hand on their wings to make them feel secure.  We also spoke about how you have to use gentle hands.  The bairns used descriptive words – hard feet and soft fluffy wings.  The chicks ate crumbs from the bairns’ hands.  After our discussion about gentle hands, one of the chicks fell asleep.


There are plenty of opportunities for the bairns to engage in technology in the setting.  The bairns often use the iPad to capture the events of the day or take selfies.  We added some resin insect blocks to the light table.  This has generated discussion around size, shape, number of legs, wings, where they come from and whether they are alive.  Early literacy encourages mark making in many forms and our LCD pads offer a new way to develop fine motor skills.  We also use the iPad to look up information – do whale sharks have teeth, gymnastics routines and frozen treats for hens.

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