Cunningsburgh Early Years 2023-24 Term 4 Week 9

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We started our music session this week by stretching our bodies.  We practiced for our leavers graduation  around the piano and in groups on the benches.  The bairns chased the grown-ups around the hall for then ending to Bananas in Pyjamas.  We finished off with Head Shoulders Knees and Toes and then presented Mrs Garrick with a handmade thank you card and pot of flowers before she heads off for her well earned holidays.

The bairns have been sorting out our polycrub this week by digging up a ripened kale heart and planting beetroot, kale and daisies.  We also had a trip to the Salvation Army polycrub where the bairns planted radish seeds, watered the flowers and fed the goats.  There were also lots of eggs to count from the hen house.

We had the fire pit out this week, starting off by going over the safety rules.  We created a circle of safety with old flour which meant that the bairns had to stay outside the circle so they were a safe distance from the fire.  The bairns had a turn with the flint to see if they could create a spark.  Then it was time to light the fire.  Once it was going, the bairns toasted bananas and marshmallows using long skewers.

We were delighted to see so many families attending our Nursery Sports Day.  There was lots of chat beforehand about the different coloured teams and the kind of races.  Mrs Ritchie had a couple of new races including a galloping race.  Afterwards, the bairns were discussing their favourite moments.  “My favourite race was the egg n spoon race.”

One of the bairns brought in a coconut to crack open.  The bairns worked together, using different tools including a hammer, screwdriver and scissors to open the coconut. Some of the bairns tried it with mixed opinions……. the discussion led to thinking about other coconutty things like shampoo, oil and soaps. Taking the coconut to the water tray they used it as soap adding real soap to make bubbles. ‘It smells nice.’ ‘This feels smooth,’

Here is a selection of the play and learning from this week.

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