Cunningsburgh Early Years 2023-24 Term 4 Week 2

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It’s so lovely to see the bairns coming back from their holidays and building on their friendships.  They work together to create games, look after the nursery and have fun.  The older bairns help support the younger ones to follow the nursery routines.

We had our first delivery of the term from Tesco to stock up our snack cupboard.  The bairns greeted the delivery person and unpacked the boxes, placing the items on the table.  There was lots of discussion about the size, shape and weight of the fruit.  Once everything was unpacked, it was time to put it all away.  The bairns worked together to put the fruit in the fridge and fruit bowl, crackers in the cupboard and wraps in the freezer.

The bairns asked if we could have a play in the big hall.  After a short run around, they used different kinds of balls to play games, bounce and shoot for the hoop.  Afterwards, everyone was so hot, we cooled down with yoga in the quiet room.

We have started our weekly visits to the Salvation Army Polycrub again.  The bairns turned over the raised bed, taking out the weeds and found carrots from last year which they fed to the goats.  They planted peas and our sprouted tatties.  Then they added crushed up egg shells for drainage in the soil.  They potted poppy seedlings and tomato plants.  The bairns also met a brand new lamb.

The bairns in the outdoor room were interested in throwing but it wasn’t always safe so we had a discussion about how to throw safely and redirected them.  The bairns came up with their own game.  They used a cone with a ball balanced on top to see if they could knock the ball off.  They also threw balls into a basket.  The games evolved over the week with the bairns shifting to an interest to throw higher.  They used a section of the wall to create a game of throwing the ball into the basket.  The bairns made signs for each of the four levels 0-4.  The next day they made it harder by adding more skittles to knock down.  They kept track of their progress on the whiteboard close by, ticking off each level as it was achieved.  If any of the bairns found it tricky, they added a cable drum to help them reach the higher levels.

We have revamped our self-serve playdough station by adding measuring cups and a recipe book.  The bairns can choose when to make their playdough.  There has been lots of experimenting this week with the consistency of the playdough.  The bairns have also taken responsibility for cleaning up any spillages.

Last week during snack the bairns were discussing where different fruits come from and there was great surprise that raisins come from grapes.  We watched a time lapse of the transition from grape to raisin and found out it would take 50 days.  The bairns thought that was a long time so they came up with another idea to make their own apple juice from apples.  We sourced a juicer and everyone took their turn to add an apple to make juice.  “It sounded like a rocket!”  We made two jugs of juice which we had for snack with our raisins, grapes, plums and prunes.  The bairns compared the textures, taste and size.  “It’s nummy!”

The bairns have had an interest in pirates, making maps and props.  This has also involved a role play game between the outdoor room and garden.  This evolved to include mark making and expressive arts.  Using loose parts, the bairns made a flag and then created eye patches and hats.

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