Cunningsburgh Early Years 2023-24 Term 4 Week 1

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We were delighted to welcome everyone back after our Easter break.  The bairns were full of news from their holidays and we also had some postcards arrive.  Thank you to everyone who sent us a postcard, we shared them with some of the bairns and have looked at where they had been on the map.

Before we visited the Library Van to return our books, the bairns gathered in the kitchen to take a final look.  They discussed the pictures, emotions and which was their favourite.  In small groups we visited the Library Van, where the bairns searched through the books, picking out their choice to take back to nursery.  They used the date stamp to check out the books.  Once we were back at nursery, they spent some time reading their new books.

We had a visit from Bookbug, starting with the Hello song.  The bairns joined in for rhymes – Humpty Dumpty, Sausages Sizzling in a Pan, Jelly on a Plate and Noodles on a Fork.  The story this week, called If You’re Happy and You Know it, was about lots of Australian animals and included actions and songs.  The bairns shared puppet animals for Old Macdonald.  Then it was time to pull out the stretchy blanket for Pea Pod Press.  The bairns also wanted to used the blanket for Grand Old Duke of York.  We finished up with the Goodbye song.

The bairns remembered how tasty the bread was that we made last term and asked to make another batch.  The bairns measured out the ingredients, mixed it to form the dough and then used the push and pull method for kneading. They couldn’t believe how much the dough had grown whilst it was proving!

A parent asked if we would like to hatch some chicks for their farm.  They delivered seven eggs this week and we gathered round the incubator to see them being put inside.  There was lots of discussion about how long it would take and how the incubator worked.  The bairns noticed that the eggs were different colours and sizes.  Later in the day, they would check on the eggs, looking to see if they were turning.

‘If the eggs are different will the chicks be different?’

The bairns were outside, engaging in building, climbing and role play.  It was also time to start planting some bulbs in our planters.  The bairns used trowels to dig small holes and then they placed the bulbs inside and covered them over, adding in some water too.

‘They will need sun and water to grow.’

The bairns have settled back into their routines, helping to set the table for lunch, fill up the water at snack and folding the clean towels and cloths.  We’ve also had lots of helpers for snack to cut up the fruit.

The bairns were keen to try a disappearing trick using a blanket after watching Mrs Meadows disappear.  They took turns with the blanket, encouraging each other and counting down to disappear.

The outdoor room is always a popular place and the bairns have been engaged in lots of activities this week, from the work bench to the water trays.  They also used very sticky tape to patch up the bottom of the sand pit, before working together to bring in wheelbarrows full of sand to top it up.

‘It’s so much faster with lots of people.’

Here is a selection of the rest of our learning from the week.  We have created lots of pictures and investigated symmetry, helped Trevor test the water temperature, met Mrs Dade’s baby and played lots of games.

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