Tag Archives: personalisation and choice

Cooperative learning

This afternoon we are working cooperatively to find out more about our organs. We have split ourselves into different groups and chosen an organ to research:

  • heart
  • lungs
  • liver
  • kidneys
  • intestines – both large and small
  • pancreas
  • gallbladder
  • stomach

We are researching what it does and why it is important. We are going to make a poster to show all our learning and research. Miss Jamieson and Miss Nicholson has found us videos on Twig to watch linked to each organ to help us, they were really interesting and fun to watch. Each group will then present their findings to the rest of the school so we all know about each organ.

Designing Christmas Stamps

Yes we know it is only March but we have had our Christmas thinking hats on this afternoon as we have been busy designing Christmas stamps to enter into the Royal Mail’s Christmas Stamp Competition 2017.

The theme is ‘What does the Christmas season mean to you’. The winning designs from 2 children will be featured on Christmas stamps in 2017, the winning stamps must be approved by Her Majesty The Queen! There are 2 categories in this year’s competition: 4-7 years old and 8-11 year olds.


This links to article 31: taking part in a wide range or artistic activities

Climate Change

This term we have been learning about climate change.  We have been looking at how climate change has affected people in different parts of the world.  We made up our own news channels and each had a role to play – these were presenter, reporter, scientist and local person.  We will upload our videos to show you, we hope you enjoy our news reports!

Primary 4-7


Thank you Mr Spence

As you are probably all aware we have been very lucky to have Mr Spence working with us for the last 5 weeks as part of his PDGE course. His focus was with second level but he has enjoyed being involved with the whole school. He has been involved in the planning and delivering of numeracy and literacy lessons as well as taking a lead role in teaching primary 4-7 about climate change. We have really enjoyed having him with us and can’t believe how fast these last 5 weeks have gone. We are sad to see him go. We wish him all the very best in his next teaching placement and in his future teaching career! Thank you very much for everything you have done Mr Spence!


Up Helly Aa Shields

Each year we design a shield for Up Helly Aa because on Up Helly Aa day we all hold a shield with one of our designs on the front. In order to get this we all had a go at designing our own one before voting on which one we like the best. Most people do something that the jarl likes so we had a brainstorming session to get our artistic juices flowing.  (A jarl is the leader of the group of Vikings) The Jarl this year was Mr. Lawson and he likes Celtic football club so most of us did something with green and white, some drew celtic designs which was very intricate. We all put in a lot of effort and they came out great as I’m sure you will agree with the photos!

This year, after a very close vote, Abbie won and she won last year too! Abbie’s was snakes with the Celtic symbol touching each of the snakes’ tongues.

Rhyming Poetry

We have learned what the different number of lines within a rhyming poem is called:

  • Couplets are made up of 2 lines whose last words rhyme, they are often silly.
  • Triplets are made up of 3 lines, the rhyming pattern can be AAA or ABA.
  • Quatrains are made up of 4 lines and the rhyming pattern can be AABB or ABAB.

Here are our rhyming poems:


I really wanted a snack

But mum said “GO BACK!”

I was really mad

And I knew mum felt bad.


Five minutes later

Mum shouted “Mater”

I was really happy

But then I had to change my brother’s nappy!

By Jasmine


Cats and Hats

Once there was a cat

That ate a rat,

There was a hat

That had a chat.

By Bethany



Once I saw my dear friend Zog

Who stood on a cog

How he said ‘ow’

Now I will be a cow!

By Thomasina


The Dairy

I went to the dairy

But all the milk was hairy

And it was really scary.

By Jessica


My Puppy Ben

My Puppy is called Ben

He’s not even ten

And he has his own pen.

By Ollie


There once was a cute little dog

Who very much liked to jog

He had a very good friend who was a cat

They made homemade bats

But they never made them on foggy days

By Ollie



In Mr Magoos amazing zoo you will find:

A perfectly peculiar parrot

Phoning a carrot.

A filthy fantastic fox

Flipping off rocks.

A rare risky rat

Running to catch the cat.

A friendly familiar fish

Flipping around in a dish.

A mysterious majestic monkey

Riding on a donkey.

An annoying armadillo

Falling asleep on a pillow.

By Abbie


Last night I was playing football

I tripped and fell over the wall.

I started bouncing to the hall

There was no J20 at all.

By Dylan


The Undersea World

The sea is a wonderful place

The fishes are holding a race.

The undersea garage is open

And that’s lucky because Mr Crab’s car is broken.

The young fishes are going to school

They all think that school is really cool.

One little fish is late

And this really worries his mate.

But then they find him playing

And he doesn’t see the search party coming because he is too busy saying….

“Hi, how are you?” to a mouse

Round the back of his house.

By Tali


The Phoneys Baloney

I once met a phoney

He gave me a baloney.

I learned his name

Which brought me to fame.

And then became really bonnie.

By Ruby


The Dog!

Who tripped over a log

He got stuck in a cone

When he got out there was a bone

And that was the reward for the dog.

By Emma


The meat and feet

I like to eat a lot of meat

And I like the smell of my own feet

I tried to put them over my head

But then I ended up dead.

By Sabienne


In the summer I like to play

All through the big long day

It’s so fun

My friend made a great pun.

By Katy


Ellie is so cool

But she hates the bull because he’s very cold

And really, really old!

By Katy


To the Future

Flying cars

A trip to mars

Back to earth

oh how I wish I could see the stars.

By Poppy


A cat and a bat

Once there was a fat cat

He was looking for a bat

The bat screamed like a baby

But the cats name was Taby

Then the fat cat ate the black bat.

By Poppy


The Ocean

In the ocean there are lots of things you’ll find.

Here are a few things that come to mind…

They’re big fish and small fish

Lots of different shapes.

Sometimes if I really wish,

I see them wearing capes.

Let’s go deeper down in the sea,

To see now what lives there.

A seahorse that didn’t look like me

And clothes he didn’t wear.

Let’s go deeper, deeper still,

into the murky pool.

I wonder if I ever will

see a big shark fool.

Now our journey comes to an end,

Come on now let’s go my friend.

And it’s time now to get fed,

So then I can sleep, in my warm bed.

By Ben

Haiku poems

Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. It has 3 lines. The 1st and last lines have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme and because they are so short they are usually written about things that are familiar to the reader like animals and seasons for example.

Here are our haiku poems:


Cars Zoom

Cars cars everywhere,

Zoom past the houses so fast

On the racing tracks.

By Beth



Flowers are blooming.

They are very beautiful

I love their colours.

By Amanda


The sky

The sky is grey now

But soon I will see the sun

So I am happy!

By Tali


Hansie and Cissie

At Up Helly Aa

Brian O Houll is Cissie

Trevor is Hansie.

By Ruby


The flowers

Look at the flowers

In the sunlight you’re shining

What a pretty sight.

By Sabienne


Highland Coo’s

I like highland coo’s

Furry, big and very fast.

They eat everyday.

By Ben


Summers coming

Sunflowers grow tall.

I like picking pink daisies.

I love red flowers.

By Thomasina


My dog Ellie

I have a cool dog

That can be very scary

She is trustworthy.

By Katy


Spring time!

Fluffy sheep dancing

Doing fun stuff in springtime

Springtime is awesome!

By Emma



The sun is shining

I run to get an ice-cream

I am cooled down now.

By Jasmine


Up Helly Aa

Vikings are coming

I like to try on helmets

I am excited.

By Jasmine


Cullivoe Summer

Sometimes it will rain

Until the sun comes again

We will stay inside.

By Jessica


Cullivoe in da Summer

Black sheep on da road

Moorit ewe on da grey broo

Birds earing da cod

By Abbie


Lazy, hot, warm sun

Warm hot yellow sun

It will heat you up very much

With rain BOOM! Rainbow.

By Ollie



I sleep through the night.

I wake up in the morning

Then I play with friends.

By James


Limericks are silly poems that have 5 lines. They are usually funny and don’t make sense. They were made famous by Edward Lear who was a famous author that wrote an entire book of silly limericks.

The 1st, 2nd and 5th line rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables – usually 8 or 9

The 3rd and 4th lines rhyme with each other and have the same number of syllables – usually 5 or 6.

Limericks often start with “There once was a…” or “There was a…”

Here are our limericks that we created:


There once was a small kind of dog

Who went for a walk in the fog

Tripped over a nut

And fell on his butt

And started to poop in a bog.

By Ben


There once was a man called Wally

Who really needed a dolly

He felt really sad

But never felt bad

He wished that his name was Mollie.

By Jasmine


There once was a man in a bar

He tried to get back in his car

He was to drunk

Fell over a skunk

So he did not get very far.

By James


There once was a rat nicknamed fat

He liked to carry around bats

Pushed dogs in a bog

Hit them with a log

And went back to sleep on his mat.

By Dylan


There once was a very weird dog

He wanted to swim in a bog

But then he got ill

So he took a pill

Then he went to rest on a log!

By Tali


Once there was a small black bat

Who swallowed a cute little cat

The bat found a dog

In a sticky bog

He laughed at the dog who was fat.

By Thomasina


There once was a little cute dog

He decided to chew on a log

He chewed and he chewed

Then filled up with spew

And then he threw up in a bog.

By Sabienne


There once was a man from a crew

He thought he needed a new shoe

But when it arrived

He found it alive

So he thought he needed to spew.

By Abbie


There once was a very cool crab

He started to wrok in a lab

But then he got bored

So he quit and got a new job.

By Bethany


There once was a very fat cat

He sat on a red and blue mat

He fell on his head

And then he was dead

And then became friends with a bat.

By Ruby


Once I was eating Doritos

But i didn’t want to eat those

I chucked them away

On my favourite day

Even when I liked Doritos.

By Poppy


There once was a cute little dog

Who very much liked to jog

The day wasn’t good

He really wanted food

So for tea he cooked some frogs

By Ollie


There once was a man in a race

Who suddenly ran out of space

He tripped on his bum

And fell up the lum

And that was the end of the race.

By Emma

P1-4 Enterprise

Primary 1-4 have created their own enterprise business and want to tell you about it.

First of all we looked at what enterprise was, what a business was and thought about businesses that we know of.

We then had to think of what we wanted to do for our enterprise project/our own business. We all thought of different ideas and took a vote. We decided to make gift tags. Once we decided what we were making we had to think of a name for our business. We all thought of a good name and wrote these on the board. Once we shared all our ideas we took a vote on which one we thought would be the best name for our business. Our winning name was Tig Tag.

After this we  looked at logos and how people can identify companies just from their logo – Miss Nicholson created a quiz for us with well known logos. It was great fun and we did really well at identifying them. Then it was our turn to create our own logo for Tig Tag. We all drew our ideas on a paper and had a vote using pom poms.

Monica’s design won.


This week we began making our gift tags, we had different jobs to do. P1 were stamping out little Christmas designs for us to stick onto our gift tags, P2/3 were drawing Christmas tags – we have stars, baubles, Christmas trees, scalloped edged tags and regular rectangle tags. P3/4 were cutting these out. Next week we hope to begin decorating these tags.

Preparing for the Yell Show

On Monday 29th of August we decided we would make a cake to enter into the Yell show. We had to decide what to make and decided on a sheep cakeas it is an agricultural show. Then on Thursday the 1st of September we baked the best cake anyone has ever seen! The whole school baked with Miss Nicholson and Miss Jamieson.  We worked as a team and got into groups to make a different part of the cake. There was a team making the icing, a team making the big cake and 4 groups making fairy cakes (this was for the sheep). Ruby, Abbie and Jasmine designed how the cake would look thinking about the icing, the fencing and where the sheep would go. At golden time on Friday we decorated the cake – icing the big slab of cake to make it look like a park, we used curlywurlys and chocolate fingers to make a fence then decorated the individual fairy cakes to make them look like sheep by using mini marshmallows. Kane made one cake look like a dog. Miss Nicholson had bouht edible flowers so we used these to decorate the cake and used chocolate chips to make it look like sheep pirls.