Tag Archives: excitement

Holidays Ahoy!

Holidays Ahoy, we all jump for joy!!

It’s the last day of term! Where has this year gone?!

The children are all full of excitement and are jumping around the school, singing ‘Holidays ahoy, we all jump for joy’ with banners and whiteboards.

We wish primary 7 good luck in Mid Yell as they move onto secondary and look forward to welcoming our new primary 1s after the summer.

We hope everyone has a fantastic summer!

Tig Tags sale day

Well what a brilliant day we had! On Thursday the 8th of December Tig Tag had a big sale day and we sold ALL of our Christmas gift tags that we made!


We were very busy in the morning trying to set up our stall so that it looked nice.

We sold a lot within the first 15 minutes and thought we weren’t going to have enough at one point but thankfully we had just the right amount! We made roughly 350 gift tags however some of the gift tags had 3 tied together so we think we actually made between 400-500 gift tags in total which showed how hard we worked over the last few weeks! (We thought some of the tags were too small or too thin to go by itself so we put ones together to make quality gift tags) We put 6 gift tags in a penny mix bag – this way you could see how good they were without having to open the packet. We should make a special mention to R.S. Hendersons for donating the penny mix bags for us to use. We made labels with our logo on them to put on the front of the bag so that people could see that we made them.


We had 57 packets to sell – 3 of these were hanging on a lovely tree.


We decorated an old branch from a tree so that we could display our lovely gift tags. We painted it with glue then sprinkled glitter all over it, it looked so good that people offered to buy it and we sold it at the end for £20!!


1 packet of 6 gift tags cost £1. Everyone took a turn of selling the gift tags and did a great job. We were very polite and worked well as a team.

When we took our float out and paid our expenses then we were left with an amazing £86.52 profit!

Primary 3 and 4 were able to put what they were learning in Numeracy about money to good use when counting and double counting their money.

We decided as a group that we would like to donate the money we raised to Cancer Research.


We would like to say a big thank you to everyone that came to support us on the day, bought gift tags/the tree and gave a donation. Your support is greatly appreciated!! We would also like to thank primary 5-7 for their help towards the end.

Again, from everyone involved with Tig Tag we would like to say THANK YOU!

Bonfire Night

We had our bonfire on the 5th of November which was actually on Bonfire night. We have this up at Mursetter.

We went around Cullivoe on the 22nd of October to collect the wood for the bonfire. We had a full truck of wood and pallets which was great and made this the biggest bonfire we have ever had.  We had a Guy Fawkes to put on top of our bonfire however the secondary pupils make it and they came with it too late so we had to throw it on the side instead. Guy Fawkes was a man who tried to blow up Parliament.

After the bonfire was lit there was a firework display which was great. We loved seeing all the different rockets, some were really loud. We also got sparklers to hold too.

After the bonfire we went to the Cullivoe hall to have a supper. We had hot dogs, burgers, beans and chips. It was delicious!! We had a selection of sauces to go on top. After we had our lovely supper we played games.

Happy Halloween

On Friday night we went guizing. There was about 41 children that went guizing. We started altogether and visited the houses around the school before splitting into two groups and going North/South. There were lots of brilliant costumes and we had lots of fun. The older secondary pupils went guizing too. They scared one lot of children by hiding in the bus when they were in one of the houses, when we came out and opened the bus door then they jumped out and shouted which gave poor Jessica a terrible gluff! We had lots of fun and got lots of sweeties from the kind people in Cullivoe. They were also kind enough to give us money to help buy fireworks for next weekend. Mrs Lawson thinks we raised about £500 so THANK YOU very much for your generosity!

On Sunday we had our Halloween party at the school. Most of us attended and all dressed up. We all took in pumpkins that we had carved. There were lots of really good ones!

We had a parade to show off our costumes then played the corner game.

Then we split into two groups so we could start with a different game. The older ones went through to the classroom first and the younger ones stayed in the canteen then they swapped over after a while. In the canteen we could colour Halloween pictures or make little ghosts out of tissues. In the classroom you had to try and eat a pancake or a party ring that was tied onto a bit of string and covered in syrup or chocolate sauce. It was extremely messy but great fun!

After this we all came through to the classroom to play a different game. We had to get into 4 different groups, one at a time we had to run up to the table put our heads into a bowl of oatmeal and try to get as much witches fingers and cats poop into our mouths as we could and carry it over to our bowl on our chair before the next person could go. (It wasn’t really witches fingers or cat poop, just chocolate fingers and malteasers.) The team with the most in their bowl at the end won. After this game we played another one called mice pirls (again it wasn’t really mice pirls but raisins.) We had to use our mouths to carry one raisin at a time from the bowl on our chair to the bowl on the table at the other side. The team that got all their raisins in their bowl on the table won.

Once we finished these games we ducked for apples. We went against each other. This was the last game to play.

We had sooooo much fun at the party! Thank you to all that came and took part in the games!