Tag Archives: article 12

Arches Challenge!

On Monday 12th February, we were set a challenge!

We began by discussing arches; how they are built and how they stand up. We looked at bridges which are created using an arched shape and where the pressure points are on these.

Then Mrs Kavagnah & Miss Jamieson armed us with a packet of crackers and a jar of peanut butter… and using these, we had to create an arched bridge!

Some groups had more success than others…

Shoebox Appeal

This year after receiving a presentation at the correct level for the children all about the shoebox appeal, what it does and where it goes, the pupil council took a unanimous decision in taking part in this appeal. They sent out letters to each family and have taken on the responsibility of wrapping, sorting through all the items and filling the boxes. Primary 7 have done a fantastic job of supporting the younger children in doing so.

We have outdone ourselves this year as we have managed to wrap and fill an amazing……41 boxes!! There are a mixture of boxes for babies all the way up to elderly women.

We would like to say a huge thank you to anyone who has donated items to help us with this very worthy cause!

Macmillan Coffee morning

The pupil council have organised a coffee morning for Macmillan tomorrow, the 5th of October, from 10am to 11:15am. We would love to see as many people as possible to help us support such a worthy cause.

The younger children are busy learning about the charity and what they do in order to make posters to go up in the canteen whilst the pupil council decorate the canteen so we are all set for tomorrow morning.

We are all going to be baking tonight so there will be lots of lovely goodies for you to try. We hope to see you there!

Our busy term

Term 1 has been a very busy term for us here in Cullivoe. We have learnt a lot and achieved a lot too. Here is what we have to say about our learning and our term!


Primary 2 – we have been learning our 2x table and what greater than and less than means and looks like. It was easy!

Primary 3 – We have been learning our 3x table and have worked hard in numeracy. We liked learning about place value.

Primary 4 – we have been learning the 8x table!

Primary 5 -we have been learning the 8 and 9x table. We have been playing beat my score which is really fun!


We have all been learning about newspaper reports and the features of these. We have enjoyed learning about this and writing our own articles! We know that a newspaper needs a name, headlines, it has to be interesting, it is written in paragraphs, they have adverts in them, they are written in the 3rd person. We could give you more but that’s enough for now.

P5-7 have also been learning about superlative and comparative adjectives and looking at dictionary skills as well as recapping punctuation and developing comprehension and reading with expression.

Health and Wellbeing

We have been learning about the body and the organs. Here are a few that we have looked at: lungs, small and large intestine, pancreas, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, bladder, gall bladder, oesophagus, rectum and the brain.

We have done an experiment which looked at the digestive system. It was really fun but also disgusting!

We had a couple of visitors in to talk to us about our topic. The health improvement practitioner talked to us about how to keep our body healthy. We had a scientist come in to talk to us about her work and different diseases/how to keep ourselves healthy.

The younger ones have been looking at throwing and catching in PE whilst the older ones have been learning about netball.

Other things within the school

Primary 4 have really enjoyed learning the recorder and have picked it up well.

We had our termly concert on Tuesday which was really good. The recorder players, both primary 4 and 5, all nailed their tunes which was fantastic!

The JRSOs have had a visit from a police officer to show them how to use a speed gun.

The pupil council have organised a coffee morning to support the charity Macmillan cancer support.

P4-7 have been learning about the global goals in eco this term. We have been picking topics to look at; life below water.

We have been learning to have a conversation in French and the older children have been looking at food.

Our feel good song we learnt this term was ‘Always look on the bright side of life.’

We focussed on article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child which is: You have the right to the best possible health.

We took part in a STEM challenge to make a bridge for the three billy goats. We were in groups and had to design and make a bridge that would hold the 3 billy goats and the troll! It was really fun and we worked really well as a team. The bridges were all successful and held a lot of weight!

Out with school

We took part in the Harvest service and performed our Harvest Samba.

We had a lot of prize winners at the Yell Show AND Cullivoe Primary School have been awarded a trophy for the most prize winning entries!!

A few of the children have made the achievement wall this term due to passing their deep end test, winning medalsat various things. So a big well done!


Only 2 more days of school everyone! We are excited for the holidays and for Halloween.








P7 sort out our library

The older pupils have been learning about the dewey system and how the books are sorted alphabetically during library time in Mid Yell. The primary 7 girls very kindly offered to give up their golden time today to make a start at sorting out our own school library. They have made a good start and will continue with this when they can. Thank you P7!

Second year to get a first for our cake!

This year we wanted to make an even bigger and better cake  for the Yell Show! We decided to make the show field – yes we were ambitious…but it paid off because we got first prize for our outstanding cake!!

It took a whole week to prepare and a very busy day on Friday for us all to put all the cake together. I think you will agree that all our hard work had was worth it though.

We had lots of ideas of what we could do. We really thought about the little details like bunting, the bouncy castle, the barrels, etc. We came up with some really ceative ideas as to how to make each part of the cake. We decided the hall, 3 sheds and Hendersons ‘fish and chip’ truck would be made out of cake. Ice cream wafers would be the slates/sheets for the roofs. The cars would be moulded from marshmallow Krispies, the bouncy castle would be made of flumps, the animals with regal icing, the barrels out of marshmallows dipped in blue food colouring, pens out of either curly wurlys, chocolate fingers, matchmakers or KitKat fingers – the different pens for different animals would be different and bunting made with skewers, string and small triangles cut out of coloured paper.

We had to follow a recipe to bake the cakes. We used a big tray for the hall (which we would be cut in half and put on top of each other) the sheds we decided to use a loaf tins as this would be a good shape.

We had to make a plan of the show field so we knew where we wanted to put everything and what size we would need everything to be.

We made the cows, dogs and ponies out of regal icing and then used icing pens to put colour onto them. We thought the primary ones could make the sheep out of cakes, and mini marshmallows.

We made Marshmallow Krispies and moulded them into the shape of cars, the ice cream van and a tractor and then decorate them.

We crushed chocolate biscuits to make gravel for the car park. We also crushed Oreos to make earth for the pens.

Primary 7 made the bouncy castle out of flumps.

Once we assembled the cakes we had to ice them. We spread jam on the cake to help the icing stick and then we made the roofs. We made  butter icing so we could get the waffers to stay on the roof.

We spread jam on the bottom of the cake so that the gravel would stick and not all fall off when transporting the cake. We also rolled out green icing so that we could make this grass for the horses pen.

We used the rest of the butter icing to spread over the remaining cake so that we could cover this in the crushed oreos for the earth.

Then it was time to put the blue barrels on and tie string around it to look like the rope.

Our cake was then finished!

We really enjoyed making this cake!


Cooperative learning

This afternoon we are working cooperatively to find out more about our organs. We have split ourselves into different groups and chosen an organ to research:

  • heart
  • lungs
  • liver
  • kidneys
  • intestines – both large and small
  • pancreas
  • gallbladder
  • stomach

We are researching what it does and why it is important. We are going to make a poster to show all our learning and research. Miss Jamieson and Miss Nicholson has found us videos on Twig to watch linked to each organ to help us, they were really interesting and fun to watch. Each group will then present their findings to the rest of the school so we all know about each organ.

Our Reward System

We get to have our say and decide on a reward system that we want so we all had a think and came up with lots of great ideas, once everyone had shared their idea then we took a blind vote. We narrowed this down to 2: House points and  bucket fillers. We had a final vote and decided for term 1 and 2 we would go with ‘House Points’ as our reward system.

We had to get into groups for this – we decided that their would be 4 groups since there are 4 primary 7 pupils. So we got into a line according to age; the oldest being at the door and the youngest at the window – we even managed to figure this out without talking!Miss Nicholson then numbered us 1-4 and set us off into our groups so that we could think of a name! Here are our groups names:

  • DJ LHT
  • Sir Swagsolot and Co.
  • Pink Fluffy Unicorns
  • Squishy Hamsters

Now that we had our groups we had to decide why we would receive house points for, this s what we came up with:

  • the teachers would set us challenges that we had to work through in our groups
  • good manners
  • being helpful
  • working hard during our lessons

If we are awarded a house point we get to put a tally mark on our groups sheet.


Our Rights

Today we looked at all our rights and discussed these in groups. We thought about the 3 that we thought were really important and would like to focus on for the year ahead.

After a great deal of discussion the groups gathered together again to share their choices. Most of the groups chose similar articles which left us with 9 articles to narrow down to 3. We decided to take a blind vote.

From the vote we decided to focus on article 6, 24 and 31 this year.