Category Archives: Trips

Swan Trip

We started our day by getting on the bus and going to the pier to meet the Swan. At the pier there was a big ship which was loading old cars to take them away. We went off on the Swan in two groups, one went in the morning and the other one went in the afternoon.

Both groups sailed the Swan from the pier, around an island and back again. The morning group got hot chocolate and the afternoon group got to have their lunch on board!

We learned how to put up the sails (well.. the first group did, the second group had some problems with a knotted up sail!!), tie some different knots, coil ropes and steer the boat. It was really fun and we got to see  seals and we passed the ferry going back to Unst. The ferry beeped its horn at us!

Here are some photos:

Collecting Seaweed!

This afternoon we went to the Voe to collect seaweed which we are going to be using in our garden to help fertilise the soil. It was lovely to have Dot and Albi, from our community, join us on this trip!

We were lucky to get a beautiful sunny day for our trip and we managed to fill over 10 bags of seaweed!

We really enjoyed looking at the different creatures that live on the beach – from seals, to crabs, to insects!

To finish up we had a stone skimming competition. Everyone picked 3 stones to try skimming… Some people had more luck than others!
Our winners were Jasmine, Hunter and Lee who all managed to get 3 skims!

Visit to the New Hostel!

After performing in the 2018 Shetland School’s Music Festival, we went to visit the New Halls of Residence – aka. The Hostel.

First we had our lunch, and then Nick – the manager of the Hostel – took us for a tour! We saw the rec rooms (where the residents chill out), study (where they do any homework), music rooms (which have soundproof walls) and we even got a sneak peek in the bedrooms!

“I was SO happy that there’s double rooms so I can share with Abbie when I go to the hostel!” – Ruby

“My favourite part of the hostel was the gym!” – Evie

“I liked the gym and loved the games room!” – Hunter

“I liked that the rooms all had en-suites!” – Amanda

“Going to the hostel was really fun!” – Heidi


Mysterious item found on beach.

When we were cleaning up the Breckon beach there was something that was washing up on the shoreline. Mrs Lawson only had walking boots on so Miss Nicholson, who had her rubber boots on, went to fetch it for us so that no one got their feet wet. This is what we found…

We didn’t know what this was but we knew it was something growing on a buoy. Miss Nicholson took a photo of it and asked her ‘fishing’ friends to see if anyone could help us identify what this was before throwing it back in the sea as it wasn’t rubbish but something living so it was only fair to return it. Do you know what this is?

It turns out it is goose barnacles! Another name for them is stalked barnacles or gooseneck barnacles but their scientific name is Pedunculata. They are a filter-feeding crustacean that live attached to hard surfaces of rocks or on flotsam that have become dislodged from the sea bed and washed up on shore. They are usually found in quite deep water and live up to about 3 years! Apparently they are the unquestionable secret gem of Spanish seafood!

Cleaning up Breckon Beach

Yesterday we went to Breckon beach to clean up any rubbish lying around the beach. We walked there and then were given bags and the older children were paired up with the younger pupils and then set off to different parts of the beach so that we were spread out. We had 10 bags and although not all of them were full that was the most rubbish we had found in a couple of years. We all worked really well together and did a good job of cleaning up the beach. Andy Gear was there looking for dead birds as every month he does a survey for the RSPB so we spoke to him for a little while. There was a huge pipe that was just too big to carry so we had to leave that and will talk to some strong men to collect it. When we were about to leave a seal popped up to see us. We think he was come to say thank you for cleaning up his beach.