Maths. This is a favourite activity in class as we practice counting skills in the 5 minute challenge. The learners showed different skills as some looked for patterns in the numbers to help them whilst others used their tables knowledge to help count backwards and forwards.
Writing. This week, P7 were asked to help the P3/4 class with editing their writing. It was lovely activity and the learners enjoyed reading the wonderful writing P3/4 had produced. I was also really impressed with the Primary 7’s understanding of the writing process and their awareness of all the elements needed within any piece of writing.
Big Question. We have been looking at batteries this week and had a go at building our own using vinegar, cardboard, 2p coins and silver washers. The learners were not sure that it would work but every group was able to light a bulb using their created battery cell.
This looks like another brilliant week in primary 6/7. The 2p light bulb challenge looks like it was great fun!