Bells Brae Nursery

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Releasing our butterflies



The children have been fascinated to observe the changes in our caterpillars as they’ve grown bigger and bigger and formed their chrysalises. The children were delighted when they arrived at nursery one morning recently to find that the butterflies had begun to emerge from their chrysalises, two even emerged right in front of our eyes!

“He’s coming out of his cocoon”.      “It’s orange and brown”.

“The next one will be beautiful”.       “It’s flied off his cocoon”.

The children watched quietly as the butterflies emerged and were keen to share their news with friends.


We had two lots of butterflies who emerged a few days apart so there was lots of excitement when it was time to release the butterflies outdoors once each group had arrived. Many of the butterflies spent time in the playground, often landing on the children, much to their amazement!

“Letting the butterflies out”.   “Setting them free”.   “It’s on me”.

“Wow, it’s flying away”.    “Bye bye butterfly”.

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