Bells Brae Nursery

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The library, caterpillars and lots more!



The children have shown an interest in ‘Da Trow’ story book which is written in Shetland dialect. “I like the book because it was in Shetland”.

The children have the opportunity to visit the school library twice each week. They choose to look at books themselves, with friends or ask an adult to read them a book. Children are then encouraged to be responsible and show care and respect for books by placing their book back in the correct colour-coded section ready for other children to use.

The children enjoyed having together time outside.

“I liked it being in the garden”. “I liked it, I was cool outside”.


Recently one of the stories of the week was ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. The children have been practicing using signs for some of the words and learning about the lifecycle of a caterpillar to a butterfly. We have our very own caterpillars which has created a lot of interest and discussion, the caterpillars have now gone into their chrysalises. We check them each day to observe their changes. We have also had craft opportunities linked to this area of interest.

“I’m making lots of legs”.  “I need a red one”. “It has lots of legs”. “It’s the hungry caterpillar”. “It turns into a butterfly”.

“My caterpillar is growing by eating all the food”.

The children have been mark making in various areas of the nursery, using different signs and pictures for inspiration.


The children have been learning about sequence and arranged the pictures in the sequence in which a flower grows.


We have had a variety of water play opportunities outdoors with sea creatures, shells and different boats which created discussions around the concept of floating and sinking.


The children really engaged with the farm toys which have been used both outdoors and in the indoor/outdoor room. They could quickly tell the difference between the animals that belonged in the farms set and those that belonged in the wild or in a zoo.

“This cheetah shouldn’t be here in the farm, it might eat the cows!

They enjoyed reading stories linked to animals in this area such as Dear Zoo.

“I’m going to take it back to the zoo”. “This cheetah is too fierce, I sent him back”.


Children have been developing their gross motor and risk assessing skills by using the climbing frames to practice their jumping and climbing.

“I like to climb high”. “I am going to jump really high”.

The children worked together to make a den and decided to take in some story books.

“We made a den”. “We hid the climbing frame”.


We planted some Livingston Daisy seeds in our playground. The children helped to prepare the soil ready for planting and they sprinkled the seeds very carefully. They then collected water in the watering can and took turns to water the seeds.

We created a shaded rest area on a sunny day. The children looked at books with friends and role played families. “I’m the Mammy”. “It’s bedtime”.

Story of the week was:

Oliver’s Vegetables by Vivian French

Song/Rhyme of the week was:

Old Macdonald had a farm

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