Category Archives: Afternoon
Autumn trees
I made some glasses
Painting with tractors and cars
Watching the Workmen
Highlight of Afternoon Early Years today. Watching the workmen out the porch door.
We have been printing with different objects today
Both classes did Hand and Foot Prints today
We have had a busy day today painting hands and feet.
We found it very funny when Miss Deans painted our toes.
We helped to get snack ready
We had Childsmile today
We have had Childsmile in today to see us and put fluoride varnish on our teeth. We all did great and had to lie on a table and wear some sunglasses
We got 1st & 2nd at the Flower Show
We were busy last week getting ready for the Flower Show.
We got some flowers from around the school and planted them in the boots.
We got 1st and 2nd. Well Done everyone!