Course Description
Higher Mathematics is a very demanding course covering new and more complex topics not seen in the standard grade course. It is a highly valued qualification with particular relevance for those interested in commerce, engineering and science.
Recommended Entry Requirements.
Credit Standard Grade Maths: Grade 1 or 2 in all elements (KU & RE).
Intermediate 2 Maths: Grade A or B.
Pupils are not recommended to take this course unless they are prepared to spend at least 1 hour per night (on average) on maths.
The course in detail
The Higher course gives pupils the opportunity to further their knowledge of algebra, geometry and trigonometry and introduces them to calculus.
The course is split into three 40-hour units. Each unit has a unit test, which is marked by the teacher and moderated by the SQA. Pupils must pass all three unit tests to be eligible for a grade in Higher Mathematics.
It should be noted that the prelim and the final exam are both much more difficult than the unit tests, and that success in the unit tests cannot be taken as an indicator of likely success in the prelim or final exam.
The prelim is usually in February.
The final exam is in May.