Members of the AHS Maakin and Yakkin group have been busy knitting bunting all summer. The bunting came about after inspiration from Felix Ford’s Knitsonik Stranded Colourwork Playbook. There was a pattern in the book by Liz Ashdowne for flags and the knitters got the work to create AHS very own bunting with a flag representing each department. Rebecca McLeod S2 designed and knitted the flag for Music. Other pupils contributed to the knitting of some of the flags. The rest were made by staff and ex-staff of Anderson High.
In total there are 55 flags representing all departments and all the services connected with the school. Caroline Simpson said the whole process had been a great way to bring knitters, who were connected to the school, together. “It was a real school community effort and had created quite a buzz”. Physics teacher Nancy Hunter, designed and knitted flags for quite a few departments, but also knitted flags which represented every SWW hat design so far.
The bunting was finished in time for the Shetland Wool Week Opening Ceremony on 24 September 2018 whch was hosted at AHS. Felix Ford and Liz Ashdowne were among more than 300 guests who attended the Opening Ceremony. They said a few words on the bunting and presented the school with two more flags they had made, based on the AHS school logo. These will be added to the bunting.
The bunting hangs in all its glory in the school foyer, you can look up and see it as you leave the building through the main front door. Come in and check it out next time you are passing.
Some of the individual flags shown below: