On Thursday the 3 December 2014 Sandra Manson from Jamieson and Smith attending a lunchtime maakin and yakkin session with her “sock”. She presented the group with a Knit Real Shetland book and a £25 gift token for Jamieson and Smith.
The group to see Sandra and receive this gift. The book will provide inspiration and some pupils are hoping to make some of the patterns in the future. The money will be used to buy more Shetland wool. The group would like to say a huge thanks to Jamieson and Smith for their support and encouragement.
Looks wonderful, Anderson High people! I joined one in a school here in Tasmania (almost completely the opposite side of the world to you!) but wasn’t teaching there long enough to be able to make any lasting contribution. It was great fun, but not as organised as your group is. best of luck!
Crystal Austin.