Great sources of articles, opinions, arguments, personal accounts, opposing viewpoints, statistics etc
Advantages of using these are that you will access varied and reliable sources.
- Essential Articles (also available in print in the Library)
Complete Issues is the online version available at Complete Issues
Username: Shetland Password: Library
- Issues booklets (also available in print in the Library)
Available at Issues Online
Username: AndersonHS Password: 1022
Use the 24-hour library available from the Shetland Library website
Click on the link above, go to 24 hour library and then Online Reference Sites. There are loads of great resources here, in particular;
- European Newstream
Search news articles from over 100 regional, national and European newspapers.
- Britannica Library Student
The world famous encyclopedia, full of information, journals, videos etc aimed at young people.
Pick up a ‘Researching on the Internet’ leaflet from the library for more information