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Wednesday22nd January

On Wednesday we did circle time we did emotions this time we did anger. We discussed the story of Gelard the dog and how he saved Llewelyn’s baby, but Llewelyn thought he had killed the baby so he killed Gelard. We discussed how anger makes us behave and what we can do to try and control our anger.
Then Harry Rose came in to talk about space we did a lot on Venus if you went to Venus you would be squashed, suffocated, dissolved and baked. We spoke about the solar system we did about what you could see in the sky right now. I learned that you can see Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn. Erin learnt that space is like a roundabout and every time you go around a roundabout would see different things in different places obviously not the thing that are standing still but the things that are moving same as a planet in orbit.
After maths we did my one off Wednesday it was about karate I had a power point on karate, a video and a demonstration also the inspector came to see so I got very nervous and started stuttering I then got the class to learn two different kata’s and four different moves.

By Lewis and Erin

Tuesday 21st January

On Tuesday first thing in the morning we did handwriting, it was the letter T. Next we did writing instructions for everyday things we do in life, I did instructions about how to feed cows. After that we opened our kindness jars then it was break.
During maths the school inspector came into our room and watched me and Erin do our maths games and she looked at the rest of the class doing their maths to. P1 to P3 came into our room to do the space project with us ,One of the facts I found out was that they eat bacon sandwiches and drink coffee in space.


After lunch we played crocodile, crocodile outside, then we did tooth brushing before we did more space project with P3.Last thing was music we are practicing the Unst boat song for the music festival in March.
By Emma

Monday 20th January

First thing in the morning we did spelling, I got all my words correct I was quite pleased with that. In my spelling group there are me and Nicol. It used to be me, Nicol and Noah but he moved schools.
Then it was break time, I played with Emma. After break Lewis, Hermione, Nicola and Loui Bo showed the inspector round the school, while we did maths. I am doing 2, 4 and 8 times tables with Emma that was exciting.
After maths we did RME we learned what a parable is. It is telling a story and passing it on and there is a message behind it. We looked at the Good Samaritan and did our own plays about it.
Then it was dinnertime which was fish cakes and pasta, it was good. Art was in the afternoon, we drew a picture of a soup can in 3d. Straight after that we did PE. We were doing circuits like running and skipping which was tiring. It was then home time.
By Erin

Wednesday 15th January

We started off with listening skills then we carried on with our Chinese zodiac posters in our groups.

Then Mr Rose came into tell us more about space. We had to write down what we already knew about space on our white boards. Then we shared all the stuff we knew with Mr Rose. After that Mr Rose told us how heavy the Sun is then told us how big a Billion is. Then it was break time.
After Break Mr Rose told us about the stars, Mercury and Venus. Then we carried on with our character stories then it was time for lunch. We had sandwiches, wraps and soup. The P1-3 and P7,all went to Aith,P7s went to Aith school and P1-3s went to the swimming pool. Then it was Stephanie and Jason’s one of Wednesday and they were doing Pokémon. They talked about all the Games that they have and the good and the bad games.

After that Stephanie and Jason made there one of Wednesday while the rest of us finished our Chinese zodiac posters. Then it was home time.
By Loui-Bo

Tuesday 15th January

The 1st thing we did this morning was handwriting on the letter s. Next we did our character descriptions. We had the choice of doing an ogre or a princess. I chose the princess. We have to write a description of what they look like and then write more descriptions about them but they are different from their looks.
Next we had break.

After break, we had maths. I really like maths. My group was doing measuring and estimating. After that we did a whole school topic on moon landing. Next we had lunch. For lunch we had gammon and for pudding we had pancakes and ice-cream.
After lunch we did a topic with primary 3. We had to do different topics on space. Finally we had music. At music, we were practicing the songs for the music festival. And then we all went home.

Monday 14th January

First thing in the morning we had spelling and my words were quite easy.
After spelling we did maths we are all doing a new topic me and Loui-bo are doing half’s, 1 whole, 5ths and 10ths. We made a fractions wall and had to compare our fractions.
Emma and Erin started work on multiplication and were building multiplication towers to show the two times table.

For Break we went out.
We looked at the Chinese zodiac in RME, we looked at the story and had to put it in order of the pictures and write why they came there place, I am a monkey!! The story is quite funny as it is about a Chinese Emperor who makes the animals swim in a race in order to get a year named after them.
Lunch we had stew and dumplings.
Then we had art. In art we are making pictures of ourselves falling from space with your hands in front of you, they look really good.
In PE we did circuits they are fun, we have skipping, step ups, throwing and sprinting. It was really tiring as well and we have to monitor our times so we can get as much done in each circuit as possible in two minutes.

Review: The Demon Dentist

Book: Demon Dentist
Author: David Williams
Publisher: Harper Collins

Alfie is the main Character and he hates going to the dentist because when he was little he went to the dentist because he had toothache and the dentist couldn’t get out the tooth no matter what he tried. He even tried tieing his very large secretary to some extra thick dental floss tied it to Alfie’s tooth then made her jump out of the window. Eventually he got everyone out of the waiting room and they all pulled and out came Alfie’s tooth but it was actually the wrong tooth.
A few years later Alfie is twelve years old and has never been to a to the dentist since When a new dentist comes to town and hands out sugar free sweets and tooth paste that can burn through stone Alfie knows something’s up. Alfie father is also getting very ill so he gets Alfie a social worker to help look after him winnie the care worker decides that Alfie just must go to the dentist what will happen will Alfie survive the torture of this new terror
Alfie– a young boy who lives with his farther and has very bad teeth
Dad– Alfie’s dad who use to work in a coal mine but had to stop because his lungs were getting very bad and he could barely breathe and that put him in a wheel chair
Winnie– a brightly coloured but helpful social worker who doesn’t get on with Alfie at first.
Gabz– Alfie’s girl (space) friend NEVER calls her his girl friend. She also has a vivid imagination but is a very loyal friend.
Raj- the local news agent in a mood for an out of date mars bar? What about some frozen sticky notes? No, oh well what about a good old chat. Raj is a very loveable person.
(We realised that one of our class members Nicol would like to become raj when he is older)

Miss root– aka mummy a mean old dentist that gives out tooth paste that can burn through rock. Is she really a dentist?
Texting Boy– A boy that cannot stop texting

Home– a dark place with no electricity and no food and light by candle light.
Dentist– a dark staircase leading up to a white room when Alfie sat in the dentist chair he saw blood stains on the roof. The rooms filled with medieval tools instead of dental instruments.
School– a normal school with weird people and loads of secret rooms to make plans and have fun in
We would recommend this book for primary fours and up. Because it had the whole of our p4-7 class laughing (including our teacher) it has some amazing characters and an amazing plot. There is only one fault with this book….It ends!!

By Hermione & Nicola

JRSO Road Safety Week

As part of our JRSO duties we had to plan a road safety week. We had to plan a lesson for the nursery, p1-3 class, the p4-7 class and an assembly. Lewis and Stephanie worked together to plan the nursery lesson and Flora and Loui-Bo planned the p1-3 lesson. We all planned the p4-7 lesson and the assembly together. We had different equipment to use and to plan with.
Flora and Loui-Bo did a lesson with the P1-3. We did a lesson about bike safety and important road signs. They had fun playing the games we played one of their favourite games was one we made up where we held up different signs and they had to do an action for the signs. They also had to design an important safety sign for the school.

Lewis and Stephanie did the lesson for the nursery it was about bright clothing and that you should be wearing bright clothing in the winter because it is getting dark. They also watched a mini movie called hector about wearing bright clothing. We have been also going into the nursery and teaching them the I’m a little seatbelt song.
We all did a lesson for the primary 4-7, we did bike safety and told them that they should always wear a helmet and have a light on your bike we also told them that they should wear bright clothes when riding a bike. We also taught them how to wear a helmet properly.

In the assembly we taught the whole school about how to cross the road safely. We also taught them about seatbelts. We did height checks about how tall you have to be to not have to be in a booster seat in the car. We also did a sketch about why you should wear bright clothes especially in the dark. Then we taught them the Green Cross Code. The nursery sang I`m a Little Seatbelt song which was really cute. At the end of our assembly we gave everyone some prizes.

Thursday 12th December

When we went to school we started off by doing spelling games, we could do word jumble or hangman. After we did those games we did the definitions game where someone read out a definition of one of our words and you had to spell our words on the whiteboard.
Then after spelling games we did listening skills, where Mr Hewitt would read out a 6 or 7 digit number and we had to write it down after he had said it. The P4-5 did 6 digit the P6-7 did 7 digit.
After we did listing skills it was time for maths. Nicol, Noah and Loui-Bo was practicing their times tables. Flora, Jason and Lewis were learning about partitioning and brackets. Erin and Emma were playing games about adding and taking away. Nicola, Stephanie and Hermione were making 3D shapes. After we did maths then we went for break time.
We came back we were reading our class novel and it got really dramatic and weird, so we ended up reading it for an hour. It’s called the Demon Dentist and it’s really weird. We finished it and Nicol got crazy excited when Raj married Winnie. Everyone was laughing and it was funny but it turned so dramatic and crazy so quickly. Then we started on our calendars for 2014. We had to get photos taken of our faces. Then we drew every season of the year Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter with our faces on the picture.

Then we went for Christmas dinner. Louise and Sandra made it, it had turkey and sausage things and gravy and tatties and stuffing. It was awesome because we could sit anywhere. When we pulled the crackers we got silly little toys and I got Santa sleigh that can move on its own. For pudding we had ice-cream, jelly, sticky toffee pudding and meringues. It was a very good meal.

After lunch we all went outside for ten minutes. When we went inside we had to do a show rehearsal. It was fun and we almost have it all done. We got through the whole of the show by the end of the day. After that we went home.

Wednesday 11th December

At school today, first thing we did our listing skills. That’s when our teacher says out words or numbers and we have to try and remember them and write them down on our sheets of paper. I got 2 out of 7.
After that it was spelling games, we did word jumble and spelling hang man. Word jumble is when you muddle up a word the other person has to guess what it says. Spelling hang man is basically normal hang man but you have to use your words in your spelling book.
Next it was PE and in PE we did bum shuffle. Bum shuffle is a game which is football but on your bottom but the team called The Chocolate Fingers won.
Next it was break in break we played rugby that was fun.
After it was maths in maths I was doing a multiplication work sheet and I did 3 pages and they were quite easy.
Then it was lunch and I was super hungry because it was soup.
After lunch we were doing our Roman myths and we got 1 sense done. Our myth is called Pandora’s Box. It was really fun. In my group was me, Emma and Loui – Bo.

Next we were doing our show rehearsal and I am one of the teachers called Mr Benet the show is about the X factor and it is called skelds got the Christmas factor. Then we went home .