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500 Word story-Hermione


“Primrose? Primrose where are you?!?”
That will be Lady Ella the most annoying maid of honour you will ever meet.
“There you are,” says Lady Ella “The queen wants us all in her chambers. NOW!”
I wonder why the queen wants us.
“Lady Ella, Lady Primrose glad you could join us.” says her majesty
“I have a French ambassador coming at the tenth strike of the clock you must all be dressed in your best dresses.” She finished. “Lady Primrose you shall help me prepare for the arrival of the French ambassador.” her majesty said while smiling “Now hurry you don’t have long!”
All the maids hurry out of the chamber just leaving me and her majesty.
“You are getting big now Primrose, I am guessing it shall not be long until your 14th birthday.” says her majesty when she finally speaks.
“Yes your majesty it is but a week.” I respond.
She winces when I say her majesty and she glances round. “Please primroses call me mother.” She says
I quickly put on my dress and do my hair. When I am ready mamma looks at me then walks over to a draw and pulls out a small box. She then passes it to me and says “This was going to be for your birthday but you can have it now.
I slowly open the box and find a beautiful necklace with a beautiful diamond in the shape of a heart on it. I gasp and look at mamma, “its beautiful thank you!!” I say
Later that evening the French ambassador and his huge troop suddenly come charging into the great hall making a lot of noise. After they have finally calmed down the queen exchanges a few quick words in French then they go to unpack in their rooms.
Once the French ambassador has left the queen turns me and the other maids of honour. “There will be a party outside of the maze tonight to celebrate the arrival of the French ambassador”. We all nod excitedly then leave to our chambers. On my way there I see a French man stood in a gallery that displays lots of different weapons from over the years.
When I leave out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw something shine in his pocket but I’m probably imagining it.
At the maze I find a beautiful sight there are candles everywhere. There’s a huge feast but plenty of room to dance.
The queen smiles happily at me. I go over to the feast when I suddenly spot that same man stood in a corner looking rather unhappy
While I was thinking I suddenly see an old knife flying through the air.
I look around. It’s heading towards her majesty
“Your majesty!!” I scream quickly running in front of her but the knife hits me instead.
Her majesty whips round. She spots the knife, “Primrose!” she screams.
The last thing I see is my mother’s beautiful eyes.
By Hermione Boyes

Wednesday 12th February

Today, to start off, Leanne Johnson came into the school to talk to us about The 5 St Kilda mail boats being sent from different point of Shetland, to send a distress signal to the Mainland. The reason behind this is because is because rural parts of Shetland are in distress because the council is trying to close a variety of schools across the island, including Aith, the one were suppose to be going to after summer. The council is taking children from there community’s and their family’s to schools much further away on buses which will take more than hour to drive to those schools. The mail boat is called Trysht which is a Shetland word for struggle and frustration. All of the five boats will have a bottle within them that holds messages from the secondary children who are currently being threatened with the closer of their secondary 3-4 departments.
The boat comes from St Kilda which was an island in the north. Their quickest way to get messages was by the boats there was one that only took a week to get to the mainland. The messages inside were usually written to get help when someone was ill or was in distress.

Tuesday 11th February

On Tuesday first thing we watched a clip online it was about computer safety.

We looked at this because it was internet safety day. We learned that people are being bullied on their phones when people send them nasty messages about how they look. We learned that some people say they are an age but they aren’t that age. To be safe we need to:
• Ignore people online that you don’t know
• Don’t give out your details
• Don’t flash to people you don’t know

Next Emma and Erin did sentences we had to put in capital letters and full stops. Then it was break we played farming games and skipping games. After we did news reports on moon landing. Neil Armstrong died in August 2012. Emma found out in space they eat bacon sandwiches and coffee.

Friday 7th February

Today we started off with P.E , in P.E we did Fartlec Training, in Fartlec training you learn to pace yourself , we have been working on this for a few. We also had a test called the bleep test, Loui-you is really good at it. Do the first lap walking, second lap sprinting, third lap jogging and you do that for as long as possible. It is a sunny day so we went outside to play games, firs we did running races, I was in a team with Emma and Jason, and we came second. After that we did game, it was like Stig in the Mud but you need to do star jumps instead. I really enjoyed it.

Next we did glow blogs and spelling tests in the spelling test me Stephanie and Hermione had to guess the word by the definition not the word it was very hard.

Wednesday 5th February

On Wednesday Harry Rose came in to teach us about space. He taught us about the ISS (international space station) and the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. It was funny because one of Saturn’s moons is almost the size of Mercury, so if it wasn’t in Saturn’s orbit it would be a planet. Next week he is going to teach us about ALL the dwarf planets in our solar system. It’s really fun when he comes because he tells us about the solar system but is also funny at the same time. While he was telling us about space and showing us his power point, we went for break and had lunch at the end.
After lunch we had maths, Loui-Bo and Nicol got a new topic it was symmetry. They had to see how many lines of symmetry were in all the 2D shapes.
After that we had my One of Wednesday on hair through the ages. I did all the different hair styles through the decades. The 2014 one is dip-dyed with a fringe. The weirdest ones were the beehive and the mullet, the best one was the 2000 one which was long hair and long fringes grown out with wavy hair. Then I had an activity on the tray memory game, I gave out worksheets. My last activity was I showed everyone a hairstyle on a hairdressing doll then I let them have a go on the doll head.
Then it was home time.

By Stephanie and Loui-Bo

Tuesday 4th February

We were learning about the John Muir award we learnt that he was raised in America and when he became a geologist, a botanist and a glaciologist. Which means he studies rocks, flowers and glaciers? When he was 30 he lived in Yosemite Park and lived of the land. While he was there he discovered that the park was created by glaciers. After a couple of years John Muir passed a law that the Yosemite Park should be conserved and that house’s could not be built on Yosemite Park.
Then it was break Nicol played a tractor game.
After break we learned about the moon landing with p1-3. We are aiming to find out enough facts to be able to make a news report. some of the facts we found out about were, that when they were landing on the moon they had to switch the ship from auto pilot to manual as they only had 2 minutes left of fuel. Neil Armstrong was piloting the ship while Buzz Aldrin was looking for a spot to land out of the window when they landed them. They only had 30 seconds left of fuel.

Monday 3rd February

Today it was Erin’s One of Wednesday it was on Her cows she showed pictures of her cows one of them is called Charlie, he is a Charolais .

I live on a farm it is my favourite thing ever. In the afternoon we had art and P.E. Art was the best because we got to draw and then eat cakes. We did two pictures of cakes, it was fairy cakes, that was fun . Then we went to P.E. and did circuits with Mr. Hewitt that was fun.
Lewis and Erin

Monday 27th January

First we did weekend news it was quite easy Emma played with her puppy and Nicol I got a remote control helicopter. We wrote our news in our books and we had our own success criteria.
Then we did spelling, in spelling I did the wrong spelling and had to write it all over again.
At Break we stayed inside because it wasn’t a very pleasing day.
Then we did maths me and Loui-bo started 2D shapes and 3D shapes during math we though there was a fire alarm so we went out but it was just the nursery door.
After maths we did RME it was Chinese new year we were learning how they celebrate new year
Lunch we had chicken goujons and egg fried rice and for pudding we had chocolate cake then we played doge ball at break in the hall
Then we did class blog and finished the day with research on planets.

Friday 24th January

When we first got to school we were meant to go to P.E but then our P.E teacher got stuck in Bixter because his car broke down. We did some Finish Off Friday until he came back but when he came back then we went to P.E. In P.E we did the Bleep challenge which was when we had to walk, jog or run to the other side of the Gym hall before the bleep sounded. Hermione and Loui-Bo won it as they could run for the most time. It was really tiring because every time we ran ten times then we went to a new level where the time when the bleep sounded decreased by half a second. In the end we had to run from side to side. Then we did finish of Friday while doing our spelling tests. Then it was break time.
After break the p1-3s came into p4-7s class. We went into pairs and finished our eco school posters. My poster was about not wasting food and put it in the compost bin. Other posters were about putting your bruck in the bin. After eco schools we did some more finish off Friday. Then we had lunch.

Then we had an assembly early. Hermione got every award. We all got a head teacher award for being good when the inspector was at our school.
In Golden Time I watched a funny video on Youtube about a pink fluffy pony that kept jumping around in a box, and then this creepy laugh came on and it was really funny. Nicol also painted his own nails and made a massive mess. Loui-Bo painted Kyles nails because for some reason now all the boys want their nails painted. After golden time we went home.

By Loui-Bo and Stephanie

Thursday 23rd January

First thing we did was spelling games it was fun, Emma won the diddy dot for getting 91 points in the games.
Secondly we wrote instructions, I wrote ‘How to Make a Sandwich’ but different people did different topics like ‘How to drive a Quad’ or ‘How to feed a cow’ it was fun and I enjoyed it.
After that we did maths.
Next we did French we sang the French song Alouette, it is a song about a lark that had woken up people and they would pluck it because they were angry.
Then we had dinner.
After we had been at dinner we read the class novel, in maths Lewis and Jason made cupcakes because they were doing weight so we ate the very yummy cakes.

Finally we did our topic on space. We will all be making separate planets out of mod rock we will also be making fact files on the planet we had chosen so we were researching the planet, it was fun. We also did the diameters of the planets and it will be to scale so the sun will be 4 metres long but Pluto will be 0.6 of a centimetre. Overall it was a good day.
By Nicola