SBC – LNCT agreements

Under the terms of the 2001 Agreement, A Teaching Profession for the 21st Century certain matters were devolved to Local Negotiating Committees for Teachers for local agreement (Annex F). LNCTs are required to have constitutions setting out the recognition and procedures arrangements. In addition to a negotiating function LNCTs will also provide a consultative mechanism.
In the sections which follow LNCT agreements are set out on a Council by Council basis.

E2 Disciplinary Policy September 2019 20/02/20 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
Professional Review and Development Policy 2014 – UNDER REVIEW 20/02/20 | Scottish Borders | Staff Development Arrangements
A3 Collegiate Agreement Guide and WTA Proforma March 2017 20/02/20 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
B2 Professional Review and Development Policy 2014 UNDER REVIEW 20/02/20 | Scottish Borders | Staff Development Arrangements
C4 Primary School Management Time UNDER REVIEW March 2020 20/02/20 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
C4 The Faculty Principal Teacher UNDER REVIEW March 2020 20/02/20 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
C6 Management Time Faculty Principal Teachers (Curriculum) Secondary Schools 20/02/20 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
D10 The role and enhanced contribution of Chartered Teachers June 2019 20/02/20 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
E1 Grievance Notification Form 20/02/20 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
E1 Grievance Policy and Procedure 2019 20/02/20 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
B1 Continuing Professional Development – UNDER REVIEW 18/02/20 | Scottish Borders | Staff Development Arrangements
D9 Payment of Teachers Travelling Expenses & Reimbursement of Expenditure UNDER REVIEW 07/08/15 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
A1 LNCT Initial Agreement 04/10/13 | Scottish Borders | Cover Agreements
E7 Winding Down / Phased Retirement 26/02/13 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
E6 Compulsory Transfer – Changes to Staffing UNDER REVIEW 26/02/13 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
C2 Promoted Post Structure Secondary UNDER REVIEW March 2020 12/12/12 | Scottish Borders | Promotion Procedures
D6 Guidelines on Special Leave 26/09/12 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
C5 Additional Support for Learning 22/03/12 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
F4 Code of Practice on the Use of Temporary Contracts 06/03/12 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
F3 Time Limited Contracts 06/03/12 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
F2 Acting Up to Fill Temporary Management Posts 06/03/12 | Scottish Borders | Promotion Procedures
D3 Cover Arrangements Secondary 01/03/12 | Scottish Borders | Cover Agreements
D5 Classroom Observation 08/12/11 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
D1 Part Time Teachers 08/12/11 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
C1 Promoted Post Structure Primary UNDER REVIEW March 2020 08/12/11 | Scottish Borders | Promotion Procedures
A2 Advice on Collegiate Groups 08/12/11 | Scottish Borders | Other Matters
D7 Staff Interaction with Parent Councils 08/12/11 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
D2 Cover Arrangements Primary 08/12/11 | Scottish Borders | Cover Agreements
D8 Notice Periods 08/12/11 | Scottish Borders | Appointment Procedures
D4 RICCT in Primary Schools 08/12/11 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
A4 School Year Planner 08/12/11 | Scottish Borders | Other Matters
E3 Annual Leave Purchase Scheme 08/12/11 | Scottish Borders | Particulars of Employment
B3 CPD Issues – UNDER REVIEW 01/04/06 | Scottish Borders | Staff Development Arrangements  

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