Senior Officers will provide;
- An annual report on SBC’s Inclusion Framework to the Education Committee as part of the Education Standards and Quality Report.
- Clear local authority stretch aims for education linked to the Education Improvement Plan, to work towards inclusion for all children (being present, participating, achieving and supported)
- Support and challenge to school leaders to retain the focus on inclusion.
- Drive forward national policy implementation and set strategic direction for regional and local work.
- Oversight and coordination of resourcing direct to schools and through partner supports in relation to maximising and making best use of resources for inclusion.
- Support and challenge establishments and settings to allow all children to reach their potential regardless of background or ability.
All school leaders will;
- Develop an ethos of inclusion, a culture of mutual respect and shared values. Firmly embed all National and SBC policies, procedures and practice that ensure these principles are upheld.
- Demonstrate commitment to developing SBC INCLUDES in their learning community through on-going professional learning and development, and appropriate levels of support and challenge.
- Provide relevant support and training for staff, particularly in relation to procedures to address factors that can undermine positive relationships.
- Ensure SBC policies and procedures are developed and implemented in keeping with the ethos, values and principles as outlined in the SBC Inclusion policy, Inclusion Framework and accompanying key documents – this encompasses inclusive practice, equity and health and wellbeing
- Plan and manage resources proactively and efficiently to support effective inclusive practice.
- Ensure the health and wellbeing of all children and young people are considered in all situations.
- Seek out and contribute positively to local partnerships which will lead to better outcomes for children and young people and in particular for those at greatest risk due to social circumstances or additional needs.
- Ensure whole establishment/service approaches to self-evaluation and a commitment to continuous improvement over time.
- Consider all barriers to learning, which may be influenced by poverty, and effectively plan to overcome them.
All school and establishment staff will;
- Be familiar with and have knowledge of all National and SBC policies, procedures and practice.
- Demonstrate a commitment to the key features of inclusion ensuring all children are: present, participating, achieving and supported and support the guiding principles of inclusion within SBC INCLUDES.
- Act as role models for positive behaviour, respectful relationships, restorative approaches and positive communication.
- Demonstrate a commitment to developing core practice in relation to the SBC INCLUDES.
- Model sensitivity, self-awareness and emotional regulation in their interactions with children and their families (and in situations where this has been challenging to seek peer support and the opportunity to debrief and reflect).
- Act in the belief we can be a positive adult influence that a child needs in their life.
- Contribute to promoting a positive culture and ethos that is fundamental to maintaining positive relationships and health & wellbeing of all within their setting.
- Promote and contribute to a collegiate climate of high support and high challenge. Good working relationships within and across services are built on respect and strong communication.
- Demonstrate professional values and personal commitment to social justice, integrity, trust and respect and professional commitment as incorporated in professional standards.
- Have high expectations and commitment to Getting it Right for Every Child with all staff contributing to ensuring pupil wellbeing.
- Act in the role of corporate parents in ‘looking out for and standing by’ looked after children in relation to their rights and the support they need.
- Actively seek the views of the children, to listen to them with care, to encourage and value the views of the children and families they work with.
- Recognise behaviour as communication. When pupils struggle with aspects of their behaviour, staff working collaboratively with families to develop alternatives to meeting the underlying needs. Strategies and further advice are outlined in SBC Nurturing Approaches Guidelines.
- Promote equity for all pupils – for example, to close the poverty related attainment gap.