All posts by Mrs Little


P7A also had a go at extracting DNA from strawberries in our Science lesson on Thursday. It was fascinating and it got us thinking how much more complicated it must be to analyse human DNA.

We also made models of the DNA double helix structure using edible parts.  It was a great afternoon!

Looking Forward

P7A created these beautiful eye drawings recently using soft drawing pencils to work on our sketching techniques.  To add a bit of colour we used coloured pencils in the iris and drew something we were looking forward to.

P7 Review of the Week 23.4.21

It’s great to be back after the holidays! P7 have been enjoying being able to eat their packed lunched outside on the balcony or near the MUGA.

We’ve been straight back into learning with lots to keep us busy and engaged.  Here are a few of the things we’ve been up to this week:

  • Learning about Grit and Resilience in our Online session with Jen and Ian from Live’n’Learn
  • Identifying the features of a ‘Response’ Text
  • Exploring a visual text and looking for themes/hidden messages
  • An introduction to algebra and algebraic expressions and developing our ‘Maths Mindset’
  • Converting and Understanding 12 and 24 hour times
  • Learning correct terminology for parts of the body
  • Researching life cycles of various plants and animals

Which of Skipper’s Tools have you used this week?

Here is a quick reminder:

P7 Review of the week

P7 have had another busy week. We have been settling back into our routines and are getting used to being around each other again and improving our concentration levels. This week we have:

  • Researched, planned and written Explanation texts about the Life Cycle of Salmon
  • Learned about spelling words containing the patterns j, g, ge and dge
  • Studied some poetry in our task map reading lessons
  • Created questions about a text
  • Learned essential financial knowledge about debit & credit cards, budgeting, discounts, profit & loss etc.
  • Investigated the area of right angled triangles and composite shapes
  • Worked in groups to design and plan a zoo, thinking about area and perimeter
  • Revised some essential First Aid skills as part of our ‘Keeping myself safe’ sessions
  • Created some fabulous artwork for next week 😉
  • Enjoyed playing some of the playground games we have learned with Mrs Fletcher during our break times.
  • Received a Head Teacher’s Award and a comment in our jotter from Mrs Wilson

Time to reflect:

  1. What do you most appreciate about being back at school?
  2. What is your goal for the rest of the term? (Only a week to go remember!)
  3. What have you most enjoyed this week?

P7A Review of the Week 19.3.21

P7 are so glad to be back with their friends again and we have loved seeing you in real life!

It’s been a busy (and noisy!) week and we’ve been working hard in class, learning about:

  • FDP
  • Negative numbers
  • Area and perimeter
  • Explanation writing about photosynthesis
  • Paddington film trailer task map
  • Spelling of words containing ch and tch
  • PE playground games with Mrs Fletcher
  • Music Voice recording using Garageband with Mrs Inglis
  • Resilience in a virtual Assembly
  • Looking back for some secret tasks

Reflect on your first week back by answering these questions.

  1. What has been the best thing about being back at Kingsland?
  2. What has challenged you this week?
  3. What piece of work were you most proud of this week?

New Year, New Skills

Hello Primary 7 and welcome back. The current home learning Sway is available via the tab above.  We hope you enjoy the activities we have planned for you and the opportunity to keep developing those digital skills!

As always, please do contact us if you have any questions or you’d like to share something you’ve been working on.  We’d love to hear from you either by email or on our P7 Teams page.

Mrs Little & Mrs Brown

Christmas Lunch and other ‘Celebrations’!

Today we enjoyed a very special Christmas lunch where we got to eat together in our class Bubble.

After lunch, Mrs L set us a Chocolate Data Challenge! Using tubs of Celebrations (and carefully sanitised hands!) we investigated whether the most popular types of chocolate were represented by the quantity of each type of chocolate in a  typical tub .  We also learned some new skills on our iPads for interpreting and displaying the data by creating tables, inputting data and creating charts and graphs.