Well, we’ve nearly come to the end of an extraordinary year. Mrs Little and Mrs Brown are incredibly proud of you and have loved working with you all this year.
Here are just a few elements from this year-
- Dalguise at Home week
- Online assemblies
- Covid-19 rules to follow
- Using the iPads in school
- Home learning/Learning in the hub
- Lots of literacy, maths and health and well-being
- Skipper!
- Virtual Christmas events
- Mrs Anderson’s retirement
- Mrs Wilson’s retirement
- Live n Learn sessions
- Murder Mystery Day
- Playing on the field
- Lunches on the balcony
- Creating our virtual Leavers’
- High school preparation
- Pretend 2 day visit
What has been the highlight of your P7 year?
What has been the biggest challenge of the year?
What do you feel you have overcome?
What are you most proud of?
What have you been thankful for this year?