This week is Maths Week Scotland. P7B tried out the Edinburgh University School of Maths challenge this morning. We learnt about Richard, a video game programmer, who uses maths in his job every day. He set us a challenge to work out how many security cameras would be needed in rooms of different shapes. You can try the task by clicking on this link Security Camera Challenge.
There are so many more activities and tasks you can try out on the Maths Week Scotland website just click here and explore.
We have packed so many activities into this week we almost forgot we weren’t really on residential. You have challenged yourself, shown resilience, worked as a team, communicated well, achieved new things and shown respect and consideration for your peers and all the adult helpers. Mrs Little and Mrs Brown are so proud of you all!
Here are just a few reminders of our incredible week
We can’t wait to see you all tomorrow for the start of our Dalguise at Home week. Remember to look at our overview each day to see what you will need to wear and bring.
Another busy week – we’ve learned a lot about Angles, Square and Triangular numbers, Optical illusions, Forces, Writing a Description, apostrophes, the long /e/ spelling sound and lots of other things. We also made a playlist for Wonder, designed a zip-wire and had a chat about Puberty!
We’ve been busy again this week. We’ve been learning about description writing, place value, and diversity linked to our novel study. We also wrote prefect application letters, danced our spelling sounds, tested floatation of homemade bugs, and played our first Kahoot quizzes.
What did you enjoy this week?
What made you have to really think this week?
What do you still want to know more about?
Here are some photos of when we used outdoor materials to represent numbers to 10,000. See if you can guess what the numbers are by counting the “digits” in each column.
You can also spot our bug making where we tested surface tension of water.