All posts by Mrs Istephan

Christmas Craft and Costumes

We have had a very creative week and have been experimenting with different ways to use paint. We collected twigs and small branches and used them to paint with and we have been using apples to print with to make baubles. Our Christmas role play area has been very popular and we have had lots of fun learning about the Christmas story and dressing up as angels, donkeys, kings, Mary and Joseph.

We have continued to develop our fine motor skills through mark making with pens, pencils and paintbrushes. We have also been using glue and scissors to make Reindeer antlers. We have developed our gross motor skills by experimenting with different containers to pour water.

We have had more fun sorting and matching colours and shapes this week and we are becoming confident at recognising the properties of shapes to compare and group them.

Finally, we have been practising our Christmas song, which we are looking forward to sharing with our families very soon.



Christmas is Coming!

We have had another busy week, which started with our St Andrews Day celebrations when we enjoyed dancing to Scottish music.

Our Christmas tree has arrived and we have worked together to decorate it beautifully. We have also been practising our fine motor skills to make paper chains to decorate the nursey and experimenting painting with different materials. We also enjoyed a winter walk to collect sticks to make Reindeer antlers.

We are continuing to learn more about shapes, through matching activities and using shapes to make pictures. A lot of us are also keen to complete  jigsaws as independently as possible, which is helping to develop  our observational skills and spatial awareness. We are also  developing our fine motor skills and pencil grip through mark making, with some children trying to write their name all by themselves.


Celebrating St Andrews Day

We have been preparing to celebrate St Andrews Day on Tuesday 30th November by weaving tartan, making flags and bunting, dancing to Scottish music and finding out who St Andrew was and why we celebrate him. We will share more photos of our celebrations at the end of the week.

Our ambulance and hospital are still very popular and the children are really enjoying being paramedics, nurses and doctors in our role play area. They are demonstrating kindness and teamwork looking after all the patients.

Maths and Numeracy continue to be embedded in all areas of the children’s learning, both inside and outside. Some children have wanted to make number and shape books and they all enjoyed working together to make different shapes with their bodies. They had great fun on a ‘Shape Walk’ looking for shapes around the school grounds and playing in the Autumn leaves. The children are becoming more confident at recognising different shapes all around them and they can talk about the shapes and compare them.

Our Happy Hospital

This week the children decided to create a hospital and an ambulance. They have been setting up hospital beds, a reception area and medical supplies as well as making sure the ambulance is comfy for all the patients. The children have been enthusiastically practising wrapping bandages around each other and the nursery staff and  the children have even learned how to make a sling.

In the garden the children have been looking for shapes, having a garden tidy up and collecting leaves for craft activities.

We have also been trying to match shapes and use number blocks to order numbers and count.

It is always lovely to hear about our children’s achievements outside of nursery and to share them with everyone. A huge ‘Well Done’ to Grace and her little brother Isaac, who have raised over £1000 for the PACS1 Research Foundation by taking part in the Pump Track Challenge. They are both well on their way to completing 150 laps each.  Another huge ‘Well Done’ to Harry who took part in a running race with his mum. He showed real determination to complete the race.



Remembrance Poppies

The children enjoyed printing poppies for Remembrance Day and we came together for a moments silence at 11.00am on 11/11/2001.

We have also investigated mark making with stones after one of our children wanted a stone ‘opened’. The charcoal from last week’s fire pit was saved and used for mark making by many of the children and one child drew circles to represent his numbers.

Outside we have been investigating dinosaur shadows created by the Autumnal sunshine.

The children continue to be interested in people who help us and our Firefighters were at the ready with the fire station they created.

A Special Tea Party

This week we have been Fire Safety Officers and have learned all about keeping safe on Bonfire Night. We have also been mark making  using different media, including shaving foam, glitter and paint. We have explored colours and practised our cutting, tearing and gluing skills to create lots of fantastic fireworks and beautiful bonfires.

We have been practising our number recognition and counting skills by playing number games with our loose parts and natural autumn objects.

We had a lovely woodland walk this week, with lots of fun exploring and playing with the Autumn leaves. We also loved playing Circle games in the woods.

Our Small World road and town toys have helped us to practice traffic light awareness, to help us be responsible and to stay safe. We also learned how to safely toast marshmallows around a firepit and we made Smores with them which were delicious.

Just a wee reminder that, now the weather is changing, named wellies and waterproofs are helpful so that we can continue to play outside as much as possible. If you have any queries about this please speak to a member of the ELC team.

Finally, we had a lovely afternoon tea party to say ‘Goodbye’ to Mrs Ward. We all enjoyed the delicious food and beautifully decorated tables.  It was a very special occasion and we will all miss Mrs Ward very much.

Happy Halloween!

We have had lots of spooky Halloween fun this week in ELC.  There has been Covid friendly apple doukin’, a spooky photobooth, pumpkin playdough and lots of fun art and craft activities for us to practice using a paint brush, glue and scissors. We loved dressing up and going to look at all the decorated pumpkins in school. If you want to try making playdough at home, we have included our recipe in the blog photos below.

We were all very excited when our new construction bricks arrived. The boys and girls were very helpful when they helped to unpack the bricks. They have had lots of fun using their imagination and sharing ideas when they have been building with them.

One group were inspired, through their play, to make a police car. They showed great curiosity, teamwork and problem solving when they worked together to make the car from a big box. They then chose and talked about police stories, to link their learning and develop early literacy skills.

A lot of the boys and girls have enjoyed sharing stories and developing their early literacy skills in our cosy reading area this week . Our Costa Coffee role play area is also very popular and provides a great context for children to build their confidence, creativity and to develop their vocabulary.

Please feel free to comment on our blog each week, we love to see your feedback.


Welcome Back!

Welcome back to everyone at Kingsland ELC. It has been lovely to see all the boys and girls playing and learning together again this week and to see them having great fun with the new layout.

We are continuing to focus on being responsible by practising our ELC rules, looking after all our toys and equipment and keeping each other and ourselves safe. This also helps us to remember our Wellbeing Rainbow and think about how we can look out for each other with kindness, teamwork and friendship.

We have being enjoying playing lots of games outside and in our St Andrew’s Room. The Name Game is helping us to learn each other’s names and games like Ring o’ Rose and Duck Duck Goose are helping us to practice taking turns and following the rules of the game. We have also loved being Superheroes and have been wearing our Superhero name badges and capes with pride. Our Outdoor Learning Tree helps us to share all our different outdoor activities and to see just how much learning takes place while we are playing outside.

We are also learning about colours in lots of ways, including talking about the colours all around us, mixing paints and colour sorting.

We are having great fun using our fine motor skills to create giant spooky spider’s webs outside.

Next Friday, 29th, we can dress up for Halloween, if we want to. We will be having lots of Halloween fun in our ELC, which we will share with you on our blog.

Finally, we would like to share with you our Golden Tree. This shows how we base all our planning for learning through play, on current policy and guidance. Each branch is an important part of how we ensure that our children have meaningful and positive learning experiences at Kingsland ELC.


The Giant Has Arrived!

We have had great fun this week making our very own giant for our Jack and the Beanstalk story and role play area. We worked together to draw the outline around one of us and then we painted it all by ourselves.

We have also loved playing outside on our beanstalk. It even has gold coins hanging from the branches. We are so good at retelling the story and sharing our story ideas. We have also been continuing to compare sizes of objects which may be big/bigger and small/smaller, just like Jack and the Giant. We love doing this if we are having a walk around the school grounds.

We have been showing real initiative this week and have led our own learning to play Duck Duck Goose. We organised ourselves into a circle and agreed how to play together. We all took turns and remembered to follow the rules of the game.

The bugs and beasties in the garden continue to fascinate us and we found some very wriggly worms when we moved a tyre.

The giant spider’s web challenge has been a great way to practice using our pincer grip to pick up bugs and beasties with tongs. Luckily they weren’t real!

The weather has been very mixed this week and we know there will be more rain to come after the holiday next week. We still want to be playing and learning outside in our lovely garden as much as possible, whatever the weather. It would be really helpful if all our boys and girls have wellies and waterproof clothing with them every day, even if it doesn’t look like it will rain, as the ground can get muddy.  We have space for the children to leave a set of these at ELC if you want them to. (Please talk to a member of staff if this is something that you would like any help with).  As with anything that your child brings to ELC, please label with their name, just in-case they forget what belongs to them.

From everyone at Kingsland ELC, we would like to wish you all a very happy holiday when it comes and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 19th October.

Jack has Arrived!

This week we have been enjoying the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We even have our very own beanstalk for Jack to climb, but we haven’t found the giant yet.

We have also been developing our mathematical vocabulary by comparing objects around ELC. We are getting very good at ordering objects according to their size.

Every day we are practising recognising our names in print, to help us understand that print has meaning. We can now use our self-registration board all by ourselves and we have even started finding our name stickers in our colour group folders, which we put on our artwork.

We have practised our fine motor skills by cutting and sticking tissue paper, to make these beautiful autumn leaves.

We have also being thinking about what makes us feel respected. We talked about how we like to be listened to and taken seriously. We also thought about how important it is to share with each other and take turns to show that we respect each other.

Staff in our ELC are skilled at encouraging all our children to lead their learning. An important part of this is encouraging  children to talk about their learning through questions.

We are continuing to try new foods and enjoy healthy snacks in ELC. These watermelon lollies were delicious!

Finally, we would like to say a huge ‘Thank you’ for all your positive feedback during the parental phone calls this week. It is lovely to hear that our children are sharing at home just how much they are enjoying all the learning opportunities in ELC.