Celebrating St Andrews Day

We have been preparing to celebrate St Andrews Day on Tuesday 30th November by weaving tartan, making flags and bunting, dancing to Scottish music and finding out who St Andrew was and why we celebrate him. We will share more photos of our celebrations at the end of the week.

Our ambulance and hospital are still very popular and the children are really enjoying being paramedics, nurses and doctors in our role play area. They are demonstrating kindness and teamwork looking after all the patients.

Maths and Numeracy continue to be embedded in all areas of the children’s learning, both inside and outside. Some children have wanted to make number and shape books and they all enjoyed working together to make different shapes with their bodies. They had great fun on a ‘Shape Walk’ looking for shapes around the school grounds and playing in the Autumn leaves. The children are becoming more confident at recognising different shapes all around them and they can talk about the shapes and compare them.

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