Jack has Arrived!

This week we have been enjoying the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We even have our very own beanstalk for Jack to climb, but we haven’t found the giant yet.

We have also been developing our mathematical vocabulary by comparing objects around ELC. We are getting very good at ordering objects according to their size.

Every day we are practising recognising our names in print, to help us understand that print has meaning. We can now use our self-registration board all by ourselves and we have even started finding our name stickers in our colour group folders, which we put on our artwork.

We have practised our fine motor skills by cutting and sticking tissue paper, to make these beautiful autumn leaves.

We have also being thinking about what makes us feel respected. We talked about how we like to be listened to and taken seriously. We also thought about how important it is to share with each other and take turns to show that we respect each other.

Staff in our ELC are skilled at encouraging all our children to lead their learning. An important part of this is encouraging  children to talk about their learning through questions.

We are continuing to try new foods and enjoy healthy snacks in ELC. These watermelon lollies were delicious!

Finally, we would like to say a huge ‘Thank you’ for all your positive feedback during the parental phone calls this week. It is lovely to hear that our children are sharing at home just how much they are enjoying all the learning opportunities in ELC.





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