Outdoor Learning- helping our local birds

The RSPB is an organisation that helps protect birds and the places that they live, their “habitats”.

From the 29 – 31 January the RSPB organise an event called the Big Garden Birdwatch. People all over the country are asked to enjoy an hour watching nature and count the birds that they see in their garden, local park or from their balcony. Once people have counted the birds that they see they submit their findings online at rspb.org.uk/birdwatch. This information is used to help monitor which birds are doing well and which birds need some help. It helps the RSPB plan what next steps we all need to take to help protect birds and their habitats.

Why not get involved with your family?If you would like to take part you can simply register online and you can download an identification chart. Primary 1 could use their bird spotter guide form their Book Bug bag.

Here is Mrs Collins from Primary One to tell you more:

Download an idenification chart or look at the CBBC website to find out more about some of the birds you might see Bird Spotting Guide

We would love to see any photos that you might take either bird watching or helping the birds.

A Haggis Adventure!

At this time of year in Scotland we celebrate Burns Night to remember the famous poet Robert Burns. People like to listen to poems and songs, dance to Scottish music and eat special food, including haggis.

We have a special challenge for you to try all about haggis- watch the video below then look at the pictures underneath to find out more!


A Haggis Hunt
You could make a haggis from an old potato and add bits and pieces for the arms, legs and eyes!


Enrolment Information

Enrolment Week has now ended. If you have a child:

  • Due to start Primary One in August
  • Moving from ELC3 to ELC4
  • Due to start nursery

You must enrol your child. This includes if you are thinking of deferring entry to school.

Due to the current restrictions, enrolment has taken place online. If you have not yet enrolled your child, please visit the Scottish Borders Council website where you will find all the information you need. Here is the link: