Niamh Helen June 1, 2015 at 10:52 am hao lon is it gonu tac for the catrplrs to trn in to butrflis Reply ↓
Eve Alexandra June 1, 2015 at 10:53 am feeden the werms because it is fun and they I ar cinde. Reply ↓
June 1, 2015 at 10:56 am the caters ar intheer ccoons wethinctheer gointotrninto a butterflay. Reply ↓
Elizabeth Sarah June 1, 2015 at 10:59 am I wonder when the caterpillars will turn into butterflies? Reply ↓
Delphine June 1, 2015 at 11:01 am We like the caterpillars. When are they going to hatch? Will and Delphine Reply ↓
Macy Kate June 1, 2015 at 11:02 am I like watching videos of minibeasts and I wonder what the butterfly’s wings will be like? Reply ↓
Leah Mai June 1, 2015 at 11:04 am I have enjoyed watching the caterpillars go in to there pupa Reply ↓
Feeding the worms.
wen are the catrprs gown to be butrflis
I liked when we did the spider topic.
the caterpilars
macinge the ant coniy
aye had fun at the spayders
I deciI The spideweec becos it was fun and I wil get it home.
hao lon is it gonu tac for the catrplrs to trn in to butrflis
whenarethecatapillersgoingto trun intobutterfly
feeden the werms because it is fun
and they I ar cinde.
the caters ar intheer ccoons wethinctheer gointotrninto a butterflay.
ay layk the mybests manjr
I wonder when the caterpillars will turn into butterflies?
I like the spiders
goi ngtobeebuterfilb
aya like spiders they have got 8 legs
We like the caterpillars. When are they going to hatch?
Will and Delphine
feeding the worms. because i like them.
I like watching videos of minibeasts and I wonder what the butterfly’s wings will be like?
I like the caterpillar when they go in to the chyrasallis
I have enjoyed watching the caterpillars go in to there pupa
the caterpillars are going to be butterflies
I liked to see the butterflies fly away to there natural habitat