Supersonic Spiders!

It’s spider week! What do you know about spiders? Do you have a spider question? Do you have a spider fact? Post a comment and tell us what you know or want to know about spiders!spider

9 thoughts on “Supersonic Spiders!

  1. Where do poisonous spiders live??
    Mummy is really scared of spiders too!
    From Chris (Paddys older brother)

  2. Soup Anyone?

    Spiders can’t chew or swallow so how do you think they eat?  They can only eat liquid lunches!  To do this, they inject their prey with poison using their fangs.  The poison turns the insides of insect to a watery goop and the spider just sucks it up.  The insect will often look normal…except that the body is empty!

  3. Like the caterpillars, will we have any living in our classroom? Also, are there any poisonous spiders in Britain? Or in kingsland? Alec

  4. Spiders also have these tiny little leg-ish things called ‘pedipalps’ that are beside the fangs. They help to hold prey while the spider bites it – yucccck!


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