Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

Spotlight on Jed:

Geographer, Miss Sinclair, has taken the following approach to LI and SC. She offers clear indications as to the purpose of the lesson but has reflected on how pupils apply knowledge and varying gradations of success. By allowing the pupils to determine success on how learning is applied, Miss Sinclair can check for understanding and not simply remembering.

A reflective Twitter thread on approaches to LI and SC:

Twitter: @MrNickHart

This was interesting and got me thinking about how my understanding and practice regarding learning objectives and success criteria evolved. A thread.

Spotlight on Jed:

By setting LI and SC as ‘Key Questions’, Mr Ferguson aims to provide context to the learning in Modern Studies and allow pupils to formulate opinions and ideas around the content before engaging in the lesson. This approach clearly provides the lesson with direction and pupils are aware of their successes if they can leave having consolidated, confirmed, or challenged their opinions from the outset


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