Month: September 2024

August Minutes

Minutes 16/08


Ms. Lambard, Mr Nicoll, CR, GN, DC, AD, EB, JBG, FC, RMcD, EP



  • Recycling bins have been completed
  • Formal thanks to RMcD for keeping the polytunnel going over the summer
  • Grant given to buy trail camera, owl box
  • Progress towards getting chickens



  • AD and EB to complete bin prior to Eco Group Conference
  • Notice board update
  • Sheet of tasks and what has been completed
  • Introduction to eco club video (whole group collaboration) – DC taking the lead
  • Poster on transport survey – FC and EP


Minutes 23rd August 2024


Ms. Lambard, Mr Nicoll, EB, JBG, DC, RM, PR, GM, CR, GN



  • Green flag application submitted


Eco Summit

  • Polytunnel possible venue
  • Inspire suggested by management
  • Inspire and spill outward into atrium
  • Lambard to meet with A. Rose
  • Two schools confirmed attending



  • EB, AD and DC to finish bin ASAP, progress to be made by next week
  • JBG and RM to find space for the summit, speak with Ms. Mackay re: coffee morning