June Minutes

Minutes 07/06/24


Ms. Lambard, Mr Nicoll, D, G, C, R, Primary


Ayliffe Rose – Climate action summit

  • Discussion of what the group do
  • Youth climate action fund
  • Green summit
    • Location: JGC
    • Concept: share ideas, projects, build connections with other eco groups
    • Activities for initial meeting (ideas): waste reduction, supply chain awareness, possibility of speaks on key issues (wildlife, transport)
    • Proposed date: September
  • Action needed: discussion and planning of ideas to be passed on the AR for eco summit


Minutes 21/06/24



  • Ms. Lambard, Mr Nicoll, R, J, E, A, D, C, L, T, G, G


Eco summit

  • 27th Sept
  • Questionnaire sent to eco clubs in Borders
  • Ms Lambard to contact Mrs Oliver re: other eco clubs
  • Mr Nicoll – Eco ambassadors teams



  • J – video and bins needed ASAP
  • E, D and A to complete bin for next week



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