Month: June 2024

June Minutes

Minutes 07/06/24


Ms. Lambard, Mr Nicoll, D, G, C, R, Primary


Ayliffe Rose – Climate action summit

  • Discussion of what the group do
  • Youth climate action fund
  • Green summit
    • Location: JGC
    • Concept: share ideas, projects, build connections with other eco groups
    • Activities for initial meeting (ideas): waste reduction, supply chain awareness, possibility of speaks on key issues (wildlife, transport)
    • Proposed date: September
  • Action needed: discussion and planning of ideas to be passed on the AR for eco summit


Minutes 21/06/24



  • Ms. Lambard, Mr Nicoll, R, J, E, A, D, C, L, T, G, G


Eco summit

  • 27th Sept
  • Questionnaire sent to eco clubs in Borders
  • Ms Lambard to contact Mrs Oliver re: other eco clubs
  • Mr Nicoll – Eco ambassadors teams



  • J – video and bins needed ASAP
  • E, D and A to complete bin for next week



Spring Term Update

This term the eco committee have been hard at work. We have made progress in a number of different areas and are working on some really exciting things!


After a meeting with Ayliffe Rose, the eco committee have been working towards the hosting of a cross-schools eco summit. The day is intended to bring together eco groups from around the Borders to work together, share ideas, and learning from guest speakers.

We have also been working on recycling in the school with progress being made to better signpost recycling bins and what can and cannot be put into them.

Finally, we have had a number of exciting nature sightings around the school. These can be found on our recent sightings page.

Nature sighting at the school

This spring has brought a hive of activity at the school garden and across the wider community.

A nesting nuthatch has been spotted at the school. Our very own Ms. Lambard has been keeping an eye on the nest and has noted that they are now feeding the new hatchlings.

A red and black frog hopper has also been spotted in the school garden.

Finally, a Gwynne’s Mining Bee was spotted. This bee is a solitary bee found in grassland and open woodland between March and May. It is fairly common and feeds on a wide variety of plants including coltsfoot, dandelion and daffodil pollen which we have on the campus. It lays its eggs underground.