Brilliantly Busy Bakery

Our role play area has evolved into a busy bakery this week. Designed and created by the children themselves, it is a great place to develop many skills; counting, estimating, cutting, rolling, timing, talking, listening, money… to name but a few!

A HUGE thank you to Mrs Mackenzie for giving our cooker a new lease of life. 🙂


P5/4 challenge

Primary 5 and 4 were set the challenge of creating a 3D model of a character that would help the Iron Man defeat the Space Bat Angel Dragon. They had great fun using their imaginations- their next challenge is to add a circuit that will make their creature’s eyes light up. Good luck!!



P23 have been learning about major organs and this week’s learning was based on the stomach… where it is, what is does and how we can look after it. Some super research and teamwork was followed  by sharing models, diagrams, interesting chat (including squidgy waste”), posters and powerpoint presentations. Well done everyone!


We are lucky enough to have a visitor to our class… welcoming Basil the Book Buddy, a friend of Detective Dog. Like Nell, he loves listening to children read in school! We have been reading stories aloud and sharing our favourites with him. 



On Tuesday Primary 6 made 4 types of crumble. Apple, Rhubarb, Summer Fruit and Gooseberry. We had lots of fun and enjoyed making the crumbles. We hope that they taste as good as they look!

By Jamie M and Miller P6


We are having a wonderful time exploring the sensory boxes we have made. (Thank you parents for your help!) So many interesting things to see, feel and hear.  Sharing our items has generated a lot of super discussion, disagreements and wonder!

Primary 5/4 3D homework

Primary 5/4 were set the challenge of looking at home to see what 3D shapes they could find. Some people wrote these in their jotter or took photos and others chose to create 3D models with some of the shapes that they found. We had people, factories, nuclear missiles, animal cages and even a shark. Well done everyone- Mrs Harrison was very impressed.



P6/7 had another visit from Anna Craigen yesterday. We did a bit of maintenance in the garden and put our fantastic hedgehog home in our grounds. Hopefully we will attract a hedgehog or two into this over the winter. Our attempt to attract bees and insects is certainly working we found lots of bees on our pollinating area.