Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) is the education system in Scotland. It includes nurseries, schools, colleges and community learning from 3-18.
Early Stage: ELC+ P1 First Stage: P2-P4 Second Stage :P5-P7
CfE include Experiences and Outcomes across all curriculum
areas, up to and including the third level. Some pupils may work at a level earlier or beyond their age and stage. Throughout all learning, prime
importance is given to Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing, as well as skills for learning, life and work. We follow a three year rolling programme covering all subjects including Literacy, Numeracy, HWB, Art, Drama, Science, Social Studies, RME, French, ICT, Technology, PE and Music.
An interdisciplinary approach to learning is used where possible, to allow pupils the opportunity to transfer skills across learning. Learning outdoors and in the community, allows opportunities for pupils to apply their learning in real-life contexts.