Over the last three weeks Matt The Hat has come in and taken us on the big drum adventure!
With drums from around the world.
This week he introduced a new drum called rebeneke.
It’s a bit like a snaire drum but it doesn’t have the balls on the bottom.
We also used a Bass Drum and djembe.
We have to perform at the Volunteer Hall in a few weeks time in front of loads of people.
Category Archives: Effective Contributor
Our construction challenge
Robertsion Construction ( a building company that is building our new school) came in today and they set our class a challenge. Our a challange was to make a 4 m high tetrahedron. we started by making our own mini ones and we had to make 64 small ones also we used 384 pieces of dowling. Then we took four small tetrahedrons and made a bigger one and lastly we made out of the four big ones together and ten we added them all together which was really hard and we needed the 3 tallest people in the class toput the top one on then it was complete. It was really fun and the rest of the school came in to see it.
Robert Burns Quiz
We have been making quiz’s all about Robert Burns.We are planning to question three teachers from three classes to see how much they know.
We will be putting some part’s of each quiz in to one big quiz to play at the Robert Burns assembly.
You can have a go at our quiz below.
planning an election
The Primary 6 and Primary 7 pupils are organising their own election campaign! We were put into groups, which were our political parties. We had to come up with 5 policies that would make people to vote for us. They had to be focussed on young people.
We also chose our jobs they were I.T. manager, resourse manager, candidate, photographer and PR secratery.
Over the next few weeks we will be campaigning – with everyone voting for their favourite candidate and party on the 7th December.
Thinking Skills
We were investigating a suspicious woman. We had to look at evidence that she dropped at the crime scene. The evidence was found by a landlord. The evidence found was lipstick, a teddy bear, a pen, foreign coins and sunglasses. We had to look at the evidence and decide what happened. We had to use thinking skills in order to complete the puzzle. Each group had different ideas of what happened.
We were looking at HOTS questions and what makes a good answer. We all had to write an answer to a HOTS question which we then discussed as a group. We picked out the best answer and gave our reasons why these answers were good.
Literature Circles
Twice a week we take part in Literature circles. We decide how much we are going to read and decide a task to complete for next time. We also look and discuss the tasks that others in the group have done. It is important that we all read what we have decided and complete the task for the next time the group meets.
This task was to create an alternative book cover.
This task was to design a poster advertising the book.
How my brain works!
We were working with P6 to think about the different ways that we learn. We had to work in mixed groups to sort out cards. The cards had different activities on them and we discussed if we liked the activity or not. We found out that our brains work differently and that we learn in different ways – we can be auditory, visual or kinaesethetic learners.