All posts by Mr Bramhall

Literature Circles

Twice a week we take part in Literature circles. We decide how much we are going to read and decide a task to complete for next time. We also look and discuss the tasks that others in the group have done. It is important that we all read what we have decided and complete the task for the next time the group meets.

This task was to create an alternative book cover.

This task was to design a poster advertising the book.

Square It Up!

We had this problem to do in class today –

“You need six drinking straws the same length. Cut two of them in half. You now have eight straws, four long and four short. Arrange the straws to make 3 squares all the same size”

We worked in pairs to try and solve the problem – it wasn’t easy but most people managed to find a solution.

You could try this problem at home – can you see if you can solve it by having no straws sticking out the side this time?

MTH 2-16c

Guess my number

In maths today we played a game of ‘Guess my Number’. We had a large number (up to hundreds of billions) stuck on our back and we had to guess the number by asking other people questions that they could answer only yes or no to. E.g. is the hundreds of millions digit more or less than five? Is the tens of thousands number odd or even etc. We had a lot of fun and in the end everyone managed to work out their complete number.

MNU 2-02a