Go Animate

Today we made animations on the website Go Animate. We all found it fun to create funny animations. There were different animations like a wildlife one or a spce one(which looked like Halo). We are hoping to some more animation next term – so this website was good to help us learn about what is involved in making an animation.

You can check out the website here.

16 thoughts on “Go Animate”

  1. oh man that was really fun i made so much animations and they were so easy to make. you just choose a setting, choose your characters, write what you want them to say and bobs your tea pot. i still go on it to have fun with animation.

  2. I think go animate was very fun. Maisie and i made a really funny video. It is a fun way to make animations. You can make the characters talk in your voise with a michrophone or type up what you want them to say and change their voise. You can also change the character and setting. It is so fun.

  3. I really enjoyed Go Animate.
    I learned how to make an animation. I learned to put a setting on my animation and choose my characters. I put voices on my characters using a microphone.
    It was sooooooo fun.

  4. Go animate was really fun because you could make them say anything you want them to. (except for rude things)
    You had different settings to choose and you could choose the character you wanted to speek. You could also change the acsent they spoke in. Ther were Animals, space, election, office, bar, and the reastraunt. it was a great website. I loved it so much i went home and made my own.

  5. I liked doing that because it was quite fun. Choosing what the actors say and alot of people even recorded their own voice. You could have also choosen a setting and different actors to speak. My favourite kind of animation was the epic ninja battle. It was kinda annoying coz some actors or settings could only be used if you were on a go plus membership.

  6. go animate is a very fun website where you can make different animations. ther are different catagories including of SPACE,ARMY,ELECTION,COMEDY AND EVEN TALKING PHONES.you can make them say whatever they want(excluding rude words)
    there are 4 easy steps for this 1. CHOOSE YOUR BACKGROUND OR SETTING. 2. CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTERS. 3. MAKE THEM SAY WHAT THEY WANT AND WHAT EMOTION THER FEELING. 4. WATCH IT AND EDIT IT. it is so fun im going to make my own account.

  7. I liked doing this because you could use a microphone to record what the people said. I worked with Christie and we made funny videos. I enjoyed it. I would like to make another video another time.

  8. These were hillarious. I liked Charwars’s and Tymens’s best. Sadly I didnt really get to make one myself.

  9. Friday 15th March, 2013. Luca Mullen

    On Thursday we done GoAnimate on the laptops. Sadly I did not get the chance to make one. It wqas fun just either watching others and failing to make one. I did get a part as someone screaming for a death in one. 🙂

    Luca Mullen

  10. I really enjoyed doing this i can wait till we do it again!
    I think i might do make a few of these and mabye past them on youtube. 🙂
    i hope we a bit more on this!
    i might even get the full virshon.

  11. I found it really fun and I can’t wait to do it again. The omly problem was is that it wouldn’t let us watch our video. 🙁

  12. i enjoyed doing Go animate making funny videos i learned that making a video could be easyier then i thought it would

  13. in goanimate is the best thing i have ever done on the labtop in school it was very funny as some of the people looked like halo figers they were rally funny.

  14. I enjoyed making animations on this website and it was fun to create the different voices for the characters. I learnt how to improve my skills on animation.

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