Crucial Crew

The Primary 7s in the class were at Crucial Crew last week. There were lots of different workshops that we moved around – all about keeping safe. We learned about drug safety, keeping safe on a bike, safety on a farm, how to keep safe next to a railway track, water safety, what to do in case of a fire and others. It was a lot of fun – and we learned really important messages about how to keep ourselves safe.

You can find an ITV news report on the day here.

Literature Circles

Twice a week we take part in Literature circles. We decide how much we are going to read and decide a task to complete for next time. We also look and discuss the tasks that others in the group have done. It is important that we all read what we have decided and complete the task for the next time the group meets.

This task was to create an alternative book cover.

This task was to design a poster advertising the book.

Square It Up!

We had this problem to do in class today –

“You need six drinking straws the same length. Cut two of them in half. You now have eight straws, four long and four short. Arrange the straws to make 3 squares all the same size”

We worked in pairs to try and solve the problem – it wasn’t easy but most people managed to find a solution.

You could try this problem at home – can you see if you can solve it by having no straws sticking out the side this time?

MTH 2-16c