Tag Archives: Eco Committee

Eco committee update 4.10.13

We had our first full meeting of this school year.

Well done to Boyd Ross (P2B), Martha Cromarty (P2M), Monty McNeil (P3T), Morgan Smith (P3R), Leah Walters (P4T), Mia Jappy (P4-5M), Bethan Ritchie (P5W), Max McNeil (P6S), Scott McAllan (P6M) and Colbie-Kate Ross (P7P).

This group will work with Miss McGlashan and Miss Marwick to help us continue our excellent Eco Schools work.

Eco mtg 12.6.13

1) Eco-Schools Action Plan review

Each team to look at their action plan

– What have we done to develop this target?

– What do we need to do next?

Teams to use post-it notes to add thoughts. (Yellow = What we have done.      Green = What we need to do) 

Litter Action Plan 12+13 May ’13

Energy Action Plan 12+13 May ’13

Biodiversity Action Plan 12+13 May ’13

2) Energy monitor check-up

– 2 team members to complete weekly check

3) Eco board

Look at e-lympic display. Can we move any medals?

4) News for classes

Continue to do litter picks. ZERO litter please.

Eco meeting 18.12.12

We had a short meeting today to finish off some important business.
1) We reviewed our Eco Action Plans.
2) We finished our new Action Target display (see the photo!)
3) We agreed on next steps for each sub-team.

Our next steps are:
Litter > Visit classes on a weekly basis to remind them about their weekly litter pick duty.
Biodiversity > Agree dates and classes for Beach cleans.
Energy > Start weekly class energy checks.

Eco Meeting 2.11.12

Bio-diversity have been checking ‘The Pod’ and designing the new target wall.
We have also created a competition to get pupils to design our new Eco-garden. We also started arranging a new compost system for school.

Litter team have been designing new labels for the recycling bins next to Mrs Reaps office. We have researched buying new bins for the playground and have also made a class litter pick table.

Energy team have been drawing pictures/posters for class Eco heroes. We then visited classes to do an energy check and have decided to do weekly checks and announce winning class. We then started organising ‘Switch Off Fortnight’.

Information to share with classes

1) RAG BAG will be collected on Friday 29.11.12

2) Switch Off fortnight starts on Friday 19.11.12. Look out for posters and stickers.

3) Look out for new compost collecting bins.

4) There will be a Garden Design competition. How many people would like to enter?


Hello to everyone at eyemouth primary and this is just to say about whats happening around eco stuff in the the playground and that we got our badges!
we are gonna be weeding out the flowerpots and i dunno if we will be doing this but i have a idea that we could spray paint a leaf on the top of the pyramid.

Eco committe day 14.9.12

1) We toured the school to see what is ‘eco-good’ and what could be ‘eco-better’.

2) We sorted ourselves into topic teams (Biodiversity, Energy, Litter).

3) We did a mini litter pick, some weeding and a school energy check.

4) We chose our leader (Cara), vice-leader (Rory) and secretary (Duncan).


– Where have you seen any litter anywhere?

– What eco-ideas do you have?


Welcome back

A new school year has started and with it, a new Eco Committee.

Congratulations to:

Aidan and Abby (P2L)

Robbie and Scott (P2A)

Demi and Callum (P3T)

Sian and Lauren (P3/4C)

Rory and Ailsa (P4M)

Max and Paige (P5I)

Jonathon and Layla (P5W)

Megan and David (P6H)

Sophie and Rhys (P7s)

Cara and Duncan (P7B)

Here’s to a very ECO year.

Think for Eco

Today we thought about ideas for new eco plans to make us an even better eco school.

 Some of our ideas were:

– litter hunting competition

– paint an enormous Eco flag on the playground

– make a poster to keep the school Eco

– make a new Eco song that is more catchy

– class litter picks

-an Eco talent show!

Litter Team meeting

The team decided to introduce a new litter reduction initiative.

Using ‘Litter Police’, the team will be monitoring the playgrounds at break times and awarding house points to pupils spotted putting litter in  bins or picking litter up.

The team were keen to issues warnings to litter droppers too and wanted to keep a list of any culprits.

‘Litter Police’ gear is to organised by Mr Bewsey.