Category Archives: Pupil Council

pupil council meeting 28.1.14

Things we discussed today

Alot of people in the school think golden time is amazing but most think should be linked to behavior.

Also Action stations is not going to be on for a while because, while a lot fo children and teachers enjoy it,  Mr Bewsey needs to make sure it fits with other learning across the school.

Scottish Borders Council have asked all pupil for their views about a possible change to the school week. We shared some of our thoughts.

Other news

People in the school are complaining for longer Fab Fridays and having the football for Fab Friday.We also might be having more non uniform days and more talent shows. When it is heavy rain we might be staying in more. We also might be waring themed clothes to match time of year. The school might be doing scottish baking.

New Pupil Council members September 2013

We have a new group of pupils for this school year, made up of one pupil from each class (apart from P1 at the moment). Congratulations to Holly Windram (P2B), Cameron Chisholm (P2M), Eilidh Oliver (P3T), Ben Sanderson (P3R), Demi White (P4T), Jamie McEwen (P4-5M), Archie Sanderson (P5W), Paige Harvey (P6S), Johnathon Hoffman (P6M) and Abbie McKirdy (P7P).

This group of willing volunteers will work with Mr Bewsey to help make decisions that will benefit the school.

Eyemouth Primary hosts 12 Finnish teachers

We were very pleased and proud to play host to 12 teachers visiting from Finland. Last Wednesday, 24th April, our international friends spent the afternoon in various classrooms finding out about the ‘Feuerstein’ work we do in school.

Our Pupil Council did a wonderful job of welcoming the group and showing them around our school. Our visitors wanted to find out how we are using Instrumental Enrichment (Feuerstein) with our pupils. They spent time in the Nursery, the Sunflower Room, in P1s Learning Together, in P2L and in P6H.

The visit was incredibly successful with our Finnish friends commenting on how impressed they were, not just with the Feuerstein work we are doing, but with the children, the staff and the general ethos of the school!

A huge thank you to all staff and children that made the afternoon such a success.

Cash4Kids event, Friday 26th

On Friday (26th April), pupils are invited to take part in a non-uniform day in support of Radio Borders ‘Cash4Kids’ campaign. the Friends of Eyemouth and the Pupil Council would encourage all pupils to come to school wearing casual clothes, but please remember that football strips are NOT allowed.

Donations are gratefully received.

To find out more about Cash4Kids, visit

Little Hearts Matter

Pupil Council, 13/02/13

                            Today we spoke about Colbie-Kate’s charity ‘Little Hearts Matter’, we decided to have a cookie sale on  both coming Friday’s 15/02/13 and 22/02/13.They shall be on sale for 50p each, each pupil in the school may have 1 cookie if they wish.On the second Friday each pupil may or may not have another cookie according to funds.

                                                                                           Thanks, Pupil Council