Category Archives: Latest News

P2B have been very busy!

This week we had some golden time, some of us went to Miss McGlashan’s class to paint a big picture using  our fingers! It got a bit messy.

We have been spelling some tricky words this week, we even managed to get a few into our writing jotters.

We went to Netherbyres and explored further into the woods listening carefully for interesting sounds. We played a game with blindfolds. We had to listen carefully for people making different sounds. We heard birds tweeting in the trees and lots of raindrops!

In maths some of us have been adding and taking away numbers to 20. It was hard work. We have been learning to tell the time, we know that there are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in a hour and 24 hours in a day.

Table 2 were our table of the week. They had some nice comfy cushions all week. Evie is our star pupil this week.

This week has been a good week, but we are feeling a bit tired from all our hard work.

Welcome back

August 20th 2013 is the first day back to school after an enjoyable and relaxing summer break.

We would like to wish all of our pupils a very warm welcome and an extra welcome to our new Primary 1s and a number of new pupils.

Family Learning Week

What a fun week we’ve had! Thank you to all parents, carers, grandparents, uncles and aunties who came into school this past week. The children really enjoyed sharing their learning with you.
We hope everyone who attended enjoyed it as much as us – especially the family picnic on the Friday.

Edinburgh ‘Sick Kids’ hospital fundraiser voting

We are very proud to share that one of our pupils has been nominated for a Sick Kids Fundraiser award.

Dylan Thomas, 11, decided to raise money for the Sick Kids Friends Foundation Teenage Cancer Fund in 2012 by swimming 200 lengths. Aged 10 when he did his sponsored swim, Dylan was inspired to help after his younger brother spent some time in the Sick Kids. Dylan is ‘a very happy lad and always cares for others’.

Please take a minute to vote for him. Simply click on Dylan and add your details to the voting form.

Vote for YOUR heroes from the hospital! Voting will close on the 1st of May and the results will be announced at our Awards Lunch on May 10th.

Thank you and good luck Dylan.

Eyemouth Primary hosts 12 Finnish teachers

We were very pleased and proud to play host to 12 teachers visiting from Finland. Last Wednesday, 24th April, our international friends spent the afternoon in various classrooms finding out about the ‘Feuerstein’ work we do in school.

Our Pupil Council did a wonderful job of welcoming the group and showing them around our school. Our visitors wanted to find out how we are using Instrumental Enrichment (Feuerstein) with our pupils. They spent time in the Nursery, the Sunflower Room, in P1s Learning Together, in P2L and in P6H.

The visit was incredibly successful with our Finnish friends commenting on how impressed they were, not just with the Feuerstein work we are doing, but with the children, the staff and the general ethos of the school!

A huge thank you to all staff and children that made the afternoon such a success.

Cash4Kids event, Friday 26th

On Friday (26th April), pupils are invited to take part in a non-uniform day in support of Radio Borders ‘Cash4Kids’ campaign. the Friends of Eyemouth and the Pupil Council would encourage all pupils to come to school wearing casual clothes, but please remember that football strips are NOT allowed.

Donations are gratefully received.

To find out more about Cash4Kids, visit

Behaviour Policy Review

Thank you to all parents and carers that have already shared their valuable thoughts and opinions on our current Behaviour Policy. For those that haven’t yet shared your thoughts, please take 5 minutes to complete the online survey (previously shared) or the paper questionnaire sent home on Friday.

Getting it right for our pupils is a core priority and parent / carer opinions are important in this process.

Thank you


Eyemouth Primary School is taking part in EARTH HOUR 2013.

At school on Friday 22nd, we will be switching off everything we can for 1 hour between 11-12.

We would love EVERY family to get involved too so, if you are willing to join EARTH HOUR 2013, please agree to switch off all your gadgets, lights, microwaves and washing machines for 1 hour over the weekend.

Red Nose Day 2013

EPS had a fantastic RND. The pupils and staff had great fun throughout the day but especially during the House Challenge ‘Sing off’.
Whilst fun was important, we also spent time thinking about why we have RND and remembered children in Kenya and South Sudan that need a helping hand.
Photos to follow!