Category Archives: Eco Schools

Eco committe day 14.9.12

1) We toured the school to see what is ‘eco-good’ and what could be ‘eco-better’.

2) We sorted ourselves into topic teams (Biodiversity, Energy, Litter).

3) We did a mini litter pick, some weeding and a school energy check.

4) We chose our leader (Cara), vice-leader (Rory) and secretary (Duncan).


– Where have you seen any litter anywhere?

– What eco-ideas do you have?


Welcome back

A new school year has started and with it, a new Eco Committee.

Congratulations to:

Aidan and Abby (P2L)

Robbie and Scott (P2A)

Demi and Callum (P3T)

Sian and Lauren (P3/4C)

Rory and Ailsa (P4M)

Max and Paige (P5I)

Jonathon and Layla (P5W)

Megan and David (P6H)

Sophie and Rhys (P7s)

Cara and Duncan (P7B)

Here’s to a very ECO year.

The chicks have landed

Just after our Easter break, the P1s took on the exciting challenge of caring for a batch of 10 chicken eggs. Within a week they had all hatched and the whole school has gone ‘chick crazy’.

We are currently investigating the possiblility of keeping a few to give our pupils first hand experience of animal life and care.

To your Action Stations!

Every week, pupils here at Eyemouth take part in Action Stations, an activity afternoon. Over the last few weeks we’ve seen pupils carrying out some of our Eco targets…

Bio diversity target1 = Plant wildflower seeds in the wildlife garden

Biodiversity target2 = Plant up flower beds around infant block

Litter target = Make a litter picking advert for school welcome screen and website 

Energy target = Introduce ‘Switch off @ school’ initiative